老爸老妈的浪漫史 第六季

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原名:How I Met Your Mother又名:老爸老妈罗曼史 第六季 / HIMYM 6

分类:喜剧 / 爱情 /  美国  2010 

简介: 故事围绕着五位主角展开。在大学任职教授的泰德(乔什·拉德诺 Josh Radno


老爸老妈的浪漫史 第六季影评:While I am watching

ep. 3 Unfinished: yes, we all have contacts in our phone that we never need but never delete. I never clean my contacts either. Robin's argument that "we just want to have another version of ourselves" is so right.
ep. 6 Baby Talk: why the "little girl" act works on men? Haha, so green tea bitch tricks work on Americans as well? Just matches with the newly released Chinese film "撒娇女人最好命"
ep. 12 False Positive: really appreciate Ted's reaction when Marshall and Lilly said they may get puppies instead. Never take an easier track with life! Stress is normal when you make significant decisions.
ep. 16 Desperation Day: This episode brings me to think what parents mean to me. Yes, I am not ready to be an adult, actually. As long as our parents are still alive, we can be children, and have some place to stay after we have rough time. However, some day, we may not be able to find that peace again because of the natural law.
ep. 24 Challenge Accepted:
Robin: Ted, the future is scary. But you can't just run back to the past because it's familiar. Yes, it's tempting...
Barney: But it's a mistake.

boutonnière: 胸花
chubster: a slightly overweight girl with a really pretty face and an awesome personality
smite, e.g. Barney is smitten by Nora.
scoundrel, rake, rouge, rapscallion
phlegm: 痰
calzone: an italian sandwich thing
chameleon: 变色龙
tussle: a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve something.
cockpit: cabin of a plane
harrowing: acutely distressing
secret crush
doofus: stupid person
give sb. a walk-by: attempt to get a seat by constantly walking by the table on which seats the people you think should leave very soon
daiquiris: a cocktail containing rum and lime juice
all other drinks: bourbon, peppermint schnapp, absinthe, etc.
diabolical: devil, 毒辣, usually describe a woman? e.g. diabolical homegirl
sappy: excessively sentimental; mawkish.
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