

米诺视频为您提供2023年由Laura Sepul,兰尼克·加特里,Félicien Chardome,Keane Simons,Laura Van Maaren,Camille Pistone,Marc Jonckers,Philippe Beyls,Melina Tomassone,基尔特·范·朗拜博格,巴贝蒂达·萨乔,Karim Barras,泽莉·里克森,Catherine Grosjean,Janaina Halloy,Camille Sansterre,Joel Gosset,Lohen Van Houtte,Daniel Latour,Fabrice Boutique主演,未知导演的《Attraction》/又名《For Better or Worse》剧情 惊悚 影视在线观看完整版,《Attraction》百度云网盘资源以及《Attraction》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Attraction》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Agathe likes to describe herself as a mother \"like any other\". In a charming house, with a talented husband and healthy children, everything seems perfect. However, after 15 years of marriage, the pretty postcard begins to crack... The day a murder is committed in the hotel where her husband was staying for work, an unbearable suspicion sets in... Is the man she shares her life with a murderer? Has she not been trapped in an abusive and toxic relationship for years? What does she really know about Fred? With the emergence of doubt, Agathe plunges into an obsession, and the family unit becomes the arena of a high-tension criminal investigation. Like the fears of our childhood, the monster is no longer in the cupboard, it is in the bed.





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