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原名:Take This Waltz又名:爱我,还是他(台) / 跳一支华尔兹

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 /  加拿大   2011 

简介: 玛格特(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 饰)是一个二十八岁


跳支华尔兹影评:It's yours now. It's all that there is

知道这个片子,是刚好在电影院看了到它的预告片,所有的镜头还有Michelle Williams独具个人特色的表演都让我想到了她的另一部片子《蓝色情人节》(blue valentine),那个片子实在是给我留下了太深的印象,Michelle Williams和Ryan Gosling火花四射,可最后竟是以令人唏嘘的一个转头结束。看过预告片,我觉得Michelle在这两个电影里的角色应该蛮类似的,都是女性在进入婚姻后的种种状况。在《蓝色情人节》里,Michelle的角色在恋爱和婚姻中有很大的反差,恋爱里是甜蜜的,两个人可以在马路上唱着唱着就跳起舞来,可以在公车上从起点坐到终点,可当她成为了他的妻子和她的妈妈的时候,她是紧张的,烦躁的,不知所措的。《蓝色情人节》里Michelle和Ryan的出色的对手戏完美地刻画出了这种变化,人物性格发展是极具张力的。据说导演为了让他们看起来像是真的couple,就租了一个apartment, 然后在开机之前让Michelle和Ryan住进去,就像真的couple一样,连家务事都要两个人一起来完成。整部电影充满了各种恋爱和婚姻的小细节,很连贯,正是因为两个人是因为那么多的爱走到了一起,最后的离开才更让人唏嘘。

再回到《Take This Waltz》,正因为有了这种铺垫,让我看电影的时候满怀期待,期待这又是一部很丰富的作品。但很遗憾,在影片的最后半个小时里,我走神了,看起了手表(这是我判断一个电影是否抓人的一个重要指标)。Michelle的表演其实无可挑剔,她还是那么自然,仿佛她就是在演她自己的生活。整个影片中,虽然依然充满了各种温馨的小细节(shower,还有make chicken dishes), 但我还是很难进入这个故事,或者我不知道到底有没有故事。Michelle饰演的这个文艺少妇始终是不太快乐的,她在飞机上和陌生小帅哥说"i'm afraid of being afraid" "i'm afraid of connections" 她在大叔丈夫面前,就像个任性的小孩子,丈夫每天早上起来就开始煮鸡(这个真的蛮搞笑,因为他的职业是专门写关于鸡的食谱,后来在妻子离开他后,竟然出了一本教人怎么烹调鸡的书。Michelle从书店的橱窗路过,表情有点尴尬。)他们对着对方做鬼脸,然后大叔丈夫把她搂在胸前。这一切看起来不错,可为什么Michelle还是偷偷对在路上偶遇,然后发现居然是她邻居的文艺男动了心呢?丈夫大叔真的很爱她,那个冲凉的小动作是多么充满爱呀,在他们结婚纪念日的dinner上,Michelle问他怎么不和她说点什么,大叔丈夫说,没有啥好说的啊,我们天天生活在一起,我们的一起彼此都知道啊,还有什么说的呢?文艺少妇有点难过,很难面对一个在这么浪漫的场合却只是不停在吃东西的男人。

她一次又一次克制了自己,但还是一次又一次走向了那个文艺男。他们每次的邂逅和那种欲言又止的感觉拍得还是蛮到位的。Luke Kirby好像不怎么出名,可他的眼神真的是很勾人啊(很难想象他已经34岁了,而饰演大叔丈夫的Seth Rogen才30岁而已)导演居然真的让他们最后在一起了,住在一个很大很大的studio里面,最后尺度很大的那几个镜头让我想到了一句歌词: “来呀,快活呀,反正有大把时光” 但我们也看到了同样的镜头,Michelle坐在马桶上小便,文艺男站在旁边刷着牙,和她之前的婚姻没有什么两样。最后Michelle去看大叔丈夫时,她含着泪,好似不舍又无奈。所以我最后的感觉是很困惑的,我不知道女主人公是要追寻什么,改变什么,也不知道她在这两段感情中到底有什么变化。影片是以她烤饼干开始,同样的镜头,她靠着烤箱而结束。也许这便是导演想探讨的一种状态。

值得一提的是:本片的点题曲是leonard cohen的take this waltz, 他的嗓音配上当时的各种摇曳,真是美极了。
整首歌的最后一句是“It's yours now. It's all that there is”

Take This Waltz
(originally released as part of his 1988 studio album I'm Your Man.)
Now in Vienna there's ten pretty women
There's a shoulder where Death comes to cry
There's a lobby with nine hundred windows
There's a tree where the doves go to die
There's a piece that was torn from the morning
And it hangs in the Gallery of Frost
Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz
Take this waltz with the clamp on it's jaws
Oh I want you, I want you, I want you
On a chair with a dead magazine
In the cave at the tip of the lily
In some hallways where love's never been
On a bed where the moon has been sweating
In a cry filled with footsteps and sand
Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz
Take it's broken waist in your hand
This waltz, this waltz, this waltz, this waltz
With it's very own breath of brandy and Death
Dragging it's tail in the sea
There's a concert hall in Vienna
Where your mouth had a thousand reviews
There's a bar where the boys have stopped talking
They've been sentenced to death by the blues
Ah, but who is it climbs to your picture
With a garland of freshly cut tears?
Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz
Take this waltz it's been dying for years
There's an attic where children are playing
Where I've got to lie down with you soon
In a dream of Hungarian lanterns
In the mist of some sweet afternoon
And I'll see what you've chained to your sorrow
All your sheep and your lilies of snow
Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay
Take this waltz, take this waltz
With it's "I'll never forget you, you know!"
This waltz, this waltz, this waltz, this waltz ...
And I'll dance with you in Vienna
I'll be wearing a river's disguise
The hyacinth wild on my shoulder,
My mouth on the dew of your thighs
And I'll bury my soul in a scrapbook,
With the photographs there, and the moss
And I'll yield to the flood of your beauty
My cheap violin and my cross
And you'll carry me down on your dancing
To the pools that you lift on your wrist
Oh my love, Oh my love
Take this waltz, take this waltz
It's yours now. It's all that there is
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