摩斯探长前传 第四季

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原名:Endeavour又名:锲而不舍 第四季

分类:悬疑 / 犯罪 /  英国  2017 

简介: 《摩斯探长前传》第四季于2017年1月回归ITV,本季共四集,标题分别为《游戏》


摩斯探长前传 第四季影评:卡司谈Morse 和Miss Thursday 的情感纠结?

睡不着觉 在等第六季第三集熟肉之际忍不住翻墙自己找资源 于是在ITV 的油管官方频道 看了两个BTS 一个是Shawn Evans 一个是Sara 及星期四小姐的扮演者的采访(小姐姐是真好看啊可能是打光的原因 显得特别年轻气色好)其中两人分别谈到了第四季Morse 和Miss Thursday 的种种纠结 虽然有机翻 我还是总结汇总了一下
声明我是德语狗 英语荒废了几年 如果有语法错误 妄谅解
Shawn:My character realizes “I think I’m in love with her and why I didn’t see it all along “ the timing was never right. He didn’t pick it six months ago. He has chosen in now when she left when she’s leaving
然后是sara 的采访
He is a man that once loved and throughout the series what you see is, you see him realizing that she does really want someone funny. He wants companionship and that letting she go is a decision that he constantly regrets. But he can’t take back that decision. She has moved on and everyone is moving on
She’s got nowhere to go. It’s a call for help. But when he offers it she doesn’t know how to take it. When he says that (marry me), she genuinely thinks he’s being a nice guy. She knows at that point that she’s pregnant. She’s like “I don’t want you to tie yourself in me because you feel sorry for me”( ‘I don’t want your pity ‘ Joan said) if you’re going to marry me because of who I am not the terrible situation I find myself in. Also that anger has been through so many occasions where something could have happened but it hasn’t. She’s gone too far and she can’t come back to him
So you just watch them longing for them to properly speak to one another and it’s this constant story of miscommunication and mischances that moves us
看完我只想说...求不要再虐了真的 心脏受不了

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