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原名:Sicko又名:健保真要命(台) / 神经病人 / 医保内幕

分类:剧情 / 纪录片 / 历史 /  美国  2007 

简介: 一向作风犀利的美国纪录片导演迈克•摩尔(Michael Moore 饰)此次将矛


医疗内幕影评:sth not about the movie

My major in college was 'labor and social security', no kidding. I get to say I was go through double disappointing of our education and labor&social security system during the 4 years.
As my knowledge was fundermentally base on the reailty that our socielty is still at the primary stage of socialism, also I don't want to be saw as leftist or ignorance person, and there were plenty of reasons that we cann't afford good social security system, especially for those policies can benefit wider people. so I accepted that our system was sucks but everything just will be OK.
well, what I can say, I was "trained" well. ╮(╯_╰)╭
until, I was start to read same papers about European especially French medical system in junior year, then I realized that we cann't never make Eutopia become true, not just the social distribution system wasn't right, but the principle wasn't right, we get the disease even Dr. house cann't cure. More sadly, revolution is not an option, cause the interest groups involved have different interest orientation and selection, the society cann't be better one interest group instead of another interest group, resource was, is and will be limited. BTW, I miht be interested in Hayek at that time, but I just knew a little about him serval days ago ╮(╯_╰)╭.
I chosen another 2 majors for my postgraduate study, more fun and practical. today I watched Sicko, this movie reminded me I was such a patriot when I was student, luckily or unluckily, I am not today. I might be turn around to these luxury topics one day that I have enough money nothing to worry about.


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