
6.0 还行

原名:Sicko又名:健保真要命(台) / 神经病人 / 医保内幕

分类:剧情 / 纪录片 / 历史 /  美国  2007 

简介: 一向作风犀利的美国纪录片导演迈克•摩尔(Michael Moore 饰)此次将矛



http://data.book.163.com/book/section/0000FLbI/0000FLbI86.html ,等等


我对下半部分的判断难以受到刘瑜文章的影响,其文中提到了”一部反映加拿大公费医疗体系问题的纪录短片《Dead Meat》“,我在youtube上找到了并勉强观看了(地址:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE-I0ombIEY),她提到



这也是事实的样子,我困惑摩尔去的加拿大和英国怎么和刘瑜描述的不一样,到底哪个是真实情况?于是又用”canadian medical system problem“与”canadian medical system vs. us“GOOGLE了一下,发现了一些挺有参考价值的文章,

Comparing the US and Canadian Health Care Systems

The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care

Comparison of the health care systems in Canada and the United States

World Health Organization ranking of health systems




所以看下部分的时候心中难免犯嘀咕,怎么可能那么好,我总是主张兼听则明偏信则暗,一味地说外国的月亮圆就难免让人觉得偏颇了,看到古巴那儿的时候我本能地怀疑那些人对美国人那么好是不是作秀啊,是不是上级领导说了要好好对待美国人,这是一个对外宣传的好机会啊,似乎跟武汉警方帮日本友人找回自行车有点相似,我对古巴是不怎么感冒的,又看到World Health Organization ranking of health systems中古巴是排在39的,比美国人还低2位,不过人均支出却排118位,而美国确是世界第一,感觉医疗问题真是复杂...不过之前确实也听说过古巴全民医疗怎么怎么好,还输出医生的新闻报道....


”People of USA should embrace Moore as the patriot he is. He wants the American PEOPLE all the best, but he gets sacrificed by the same people because he dares to speak about the government. But true patriots rise against governments too, if they are bad for the people.

❤United states is not the flag, not the white house, not the senate, not the soaring eagle. It is the people living there, and this is what they have to remember. You can demand for universal health care, and you can vote for it. “

661 out of 847 people found the following review useful:
Michael Moore is the #1 patriot in USA, I hope people realize it now., 18 June 2007
Author: Antti from Finland

I can only hope this movie wakes some people up, especially those flag waving people who keep on repeating slogans like "greatest country in the world" etc. This could be a serious wake up call for a proud nation. I have always wondered how people can still call it the greatest country if it does not have universal health care, but maybe the reason is, they don't know any better. They do not realize that in other western countries this has been done for ages and it works.

People of USA should embrace Moore as the patriot he is. He wants the American PEOPLE all the best, but he gets sacrificed by the same people because he dares to speak about the government. But true patriots rise against governments too, if they are bad for the people. United states is not the flag, not the white house, not the senate, not the soaring eagle. It is the people living there, and this is what they have to remember. You can demand for universal health care, and you can vote for it.
651 out of 829 people found the following review useful:
Viewer beware on Sicko, 13 June 2007
Author: roblange17 from United States

As an American this movie was one of the most depressing movies I've seen in awhile. Bowling for Columbine doesn't even hold a candle to the disheartening realizations contained in this film. I walked away with a sick taste in my mouth having been reminded of how disgusting and heartless our bottom line policy making is. How sick it is to be imprisoned by the government through healthcare. How the healthcare system will tear down every other joy in your life until your 80, working 50 hours a week to pay the cost of staying alive, unable to stand against the rich or have the hope left to vote. Thus the propaganda arm of the American Dream prevails. I don't plan to watch this movie again until I obtain citizenship in Britain, France, Cuba… or Ron Paul could get elected president and as a former physician he might actually fix the system.
279 out of 332 people found the following review useful:
Wow.. just wow, 23 June 2007
Author: rich3077 from United States

I just got done watching this movie and no other movie I have seen in my life has had the impact on me that this movie has had.

My wife has M.S. and requires a LOT of medical treatment. Just ONE of her many prescriptions is a thousand (US) dollars a month. This very expensive experimental drug is nothing more than an old flu shot they are experimenting with. ( seriously )

I am a middle class skilled worker with great insurance.. and I may soon be homeless due in part to this. The other part is due to the corrupt banking system that I hope one day gets equally exposed.

I am now officially embarrassed to be a US citizen. If it wasn't for me already being middle aged and having 15 years seniority in a job I cannot replace... I would forever leave this so called "Free Country"

Peace Rich

301 out of 397 people found the following review useful:
This Film is Amazing!!!, 13 June 2007
Author: (brokentarot-1) from United States

Please, cast aside your prejudices and watch this film with an open mind. I personally do not like Michael Moore whatsoever, but this film is mind blowing. I hope that that including quotes from the movie is not considered spoiling it.

Feb 17th, 1971 5:23 P.M.

Ehrlichman : "We have now narrowed down the vice president's problems on this thing to one issue, and that is whether we should include these Health Maintenance Organizations like Edgar Kaiser's Permenente thing." President Nixon : "Let me ask you, you know I'm not too keen on any of these damn medical programs." Ehrlichman : " This is a private enterprise one." Nixon : "Well, that appeals to me." Ehrlichman : " Edgar Kaiser is running this permanente thing for profit. And the reason he can do it... I had Edgar Kaiser come in, and talk to me about this... And I went into some depth... All the incentives are toward less medical care, because the less care they give them, the more money they make." Nixon : "Fine." Ehrlichman : " And the incentives run the right way." Nixon : "Not bad."
286 out of 411 people found the following review useful:
Michael Moore For President!!!, 13 June 2007
Author: Max Vegas from Denmark

After watching this film, i grew restless. Not the sorta restless, you get, when nobody calls you on the phone for weeks. No- restless that i can not reach out, and share parts of the health-care-system, from where i come from in Denmark. Now, i've only once experienced this sort of restlessness after watching a movie, and it was Michael Moores "Rodger and me". YES- Moore does it again. And he fulfills his role, as an rebellious anti-capitalist, pointing out the wrongs and rights in society, that people have simply grown accustom to. PERFECT! He once again gives us his artistic brand consisting of small terrific, or in this case, horrible stories from everyday people who have been neglected by the American health-care system. Michael Let's you pass trough the homes of MANY families as you engage upon their stories. This time Michael has brought far more people into the interviews, and it gives the hole bundle more juice then FAHRENHEIT. He also, takes his time to show old clips, video/photos of the people hes interviewing, so you feel you get the entire background on some of the folks. BRAVO! Michael himself, is this time a bit more "americaniced" -but only to really point out the benefits of the other countries, does he take the role of the average American joe. PERFECT! Over all. If you read this. I think this movie will make as huge an impact on you, as it did on me. And i think every Michael Moore film, is both educational and should be thought in schools, as well as very important for the entire society to see! That is... if you want to be a part of your society?
184 out of 238 people found the following review useful:
Insured Americans beware, 17 June 2007
Author: Nat Shaw from United States

I recently finished watching Michael Moore's Sicko (it's a great documentary that everyone should see). It's not about the 47 million Americans who don't have health insurance, it's about some of the 250 million who have/had health insurance and in spite of this their lives were ruined. It dispels a lot of the myths espoused by some in America such as long waiting lines, higher taxes and the doctors being paid close to nothing. It explains why HMOs were established and how their primary purpose is to deny claims. Advancement in these companies is based upon how many claims an employee denies and any claims that are actually paid out are seen as failures. He goes to countries like Canada, England, France and Cuba and talks to citizens of these countries to get their take on their country's health-care system. He also goes to hospitals and emergency rooms in these countries to get the take of the people there and when he ask "How much do you pay?", they all laugh at him. Moore sums up the premise of film when he says the rest of the western world practices "We" health-care while Americans practice "Me" health-care.






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