
0.0 很差

原名:#살아있다又名:独行 / 얼론 / #Saraitda / #Alone / #Alive

分类:动作 / 惊悚 / 灾难 /  韩国  2020 

简介: 讲述突然被不明病毒感染,并失控扩散的城市中,被孤立的幸存者身上发生的故事。刘亚仁


#活着影评:Alive: the Korea Zombie mimic world war z

Alive: the Korea Zombie mimic world war Z

Alive shows up in my Netflix list as top watching in Singapore today. I figure it would be a nice Friday popcorn movie but it turns out worse than I thought I would be

**Mild spoiler ahead**

Alive have too many bugs and that it’s hard to accept, too many coincidence and unrealistic settings. Zombie is unaffected by unknown virus, zombie can hear and see and remember their job, I get it. But all these so call setting does not surplus why the zombie can see or hear so well plus run so fast.

Another big problem is food management. I don’t want to talk about the protagonist part of food but the zombie food. I always wonder how zombies survive without food intake? Ya, maybe zombie survive by eating each other but at least in this movie, the same set of zombie hangs around and who supply then sufficient food ?

Towards end of the movie, I realised this movie is a survival horror whiout proper survival explanation. I am okay with it but 2 / 10 is the most I would rate.

1 for staring

1 for small Budget challenge



  • 6.4分 高清


  • 7.4分 高清


  • 6.4分 高清


  • 7.1分 高清


  • 7.5分 高清


  • 6.4分 高清


  • 7.5分 高清


  • 7.7分 高清



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