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原名:Soul又名:灵魂奇遇记(港) / 灵魂急转弯(台) / 灵魂 / 心灵

分类:动画 / 音乐 / 奇幻 /  美国  2020 

简介: 究竟是什么塑造了真正的你?电影将聚焦乔伊·高纳(杰米·福克斯配音)。这位中学音乐


心灵奇旅影评:The meaning of life is never the result, but the process of finding meaning. This movie is really good.

The first time I watched the Soul,I felt like I was enlightened,it is indeed a great movie. By the way, I think the English version has a stronger feeling and more meaningful.

For me,this is a very meaningful movie. I saw it once before because I was too busy with work and study, so I just took a quick look. I didn't understand this movie back then.

At that time, we realized that we seemed to be constantly pursuing our goals, but our mood after achieving them was different from what we had anticipated, and then we set ourselves another goal repeatedly.

Fortunately, I watched the entire movie carefully yesterday and it was of no use on the 22nd of the Psychic Academy until he arrived. Yes, it was Joey who helped the 22nd get the spark to go to Earth, while I was going to heaven. I knew that Jacks had given me a chance to go to Earth. When Joey woke up, he hurriedly ran to play, which was his dream musician. I used to not understand it, but now I feel so real.

There is a line in "The Strange Journey of the Soul": It may not be considered living to have achieved success, but a life that only enjoys watching the sky, taking walks, and eating pizza is also very good. I came to this world just to see how flowers bloom, how water flows, how the sun rises, and when the sunset sets. Experience interesting things and meet unforgettable people.

"Living itself is meaningless, but what you do gives living meaning."


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