指环王:力量之戒 第一季

0.0 很差

原名:The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power又名:指环王剧版 / 魔戒 / The Lord of the Rings / 指环王:权能之戒 / 魔戒:統御魔戒

分类:奇幻 / 冒险 /  美国  2022 

简介: 这部Amazon新剧是第一次在影视中展现传说中的中土世界第二纪元历史上的那些英雄


指环王:力量之戒 第一季影评:Total disappointment

If you have read The Silmarillion or The Unfinished Tales or any of the books that convey the history of the Arda world, you must make some psychological preparation before watching the series. This is no Middle Earth. This is a inferior story using their names.
From here contains some history of middle earth written in the books.
Doriath is already lost, yet it seems that Galadriel have not met Caleborn. So is it that this Elrond is so ridiculous that Celebrian does not need to be born?
Celebrimbor is much younger than Galadriel. He is her nephew, yet he has got a face of an elderly man and Artanis is still a young female. Also, Elrond is of junior generation of Galadriel, but he is preaching at Galadriel in the series.
I would like to talk about Elrond.
"He was as noble and fair as an elf-lord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves, and as kind as summer." from The Hobbit, "A Short Rest"
Tolkien almost use "fair" to describe all elves. And personally I think the actor is no equivalence of this word. I mean no offense to this person or his appearances. I just believe that he is not suitable for the character. Also, I see in this series a shortsighted elf, complacent over achieved success. Where is Elrond's wisdom? He was brought up by Fëanor's sons (Maedhros and Maglor, Maglor mainly) and had experienced the third kinslaying and War of Warth. He knows too well that evil never let slip any possibility to thrive. He would never think Galadriel's seeking for Sauron's signs is causing unnecessary sacrifice.
Elves withdraw the sentries in the south and stopped supervising humans. This polt seems unintelligible because the elves distrust humans not for what their ancestors have done, but for who they always are. According to such lines, the evil shall always runs in human veins and the elves know this well, yet they cease to vigil.
Galadriel is totally another elf in this series. In the books, she married to Caleborn of Doriath in the first age, when Beleriand was still solid land. After the sea submerged Beleriand, she and Celeborn stayed in London for some time before heading east, crossing the Blue Mountains and eventually,they entered Eriador and dwelt for a while around Lake Nenuial, being followed by many Noldor, Grey-elves and Green-elves. They were considered the Lord and Lady of the Eldar in Eriador. Later Galadriel precived the growing evil from the East beyond the Misty Mountains. She also thought this 'residue of evil' could only be fought with an alliance of all its enemies. Therefore, she and Celeborn moved eastwards and established the realm of Eregion near Khazad-dûm. After their departure for Lórien, Celebrimbor became the Lord of Eregion.
In Valinor she had learned from Yavanna and Aulë. During the Darkening of Valinor and the rebellion of Fëanor, Galadriel was the only woman of the Noldor who stood among the rising princes. She swore no oath, but the words of Fëanor concerning Middle-earth kindled a desire in her heart, as she was eager to see those wide unguarded lands and rule a realm of her own. She has got wisdom and aspirition. Her staying in Middle Earth is because of her unfulfilled ambition. The series attibute her staying to revenge, losing the depth of this character.
No elf should feel pure admiration for Fëanor, for too much blood has been shed over the silmarillion.
I am not a native speaker of English and I apologise if there are any grammatical errors or ambiguities in my statement and wording. This review is a personal opinion only.

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