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分类:爱情 /  美国  2022 

简介: 改编自Thomas Mallon的同名小说,被描述为一部政治惊悚剧&宏大



  1. 乔贝贝和Matt Bomer又湿又热的亲密戏真的让这个冬天变得好过了许多:微表情小动作好多细节,两人的投入除了用全身每一个部分诠释感情,还有不停不停不停地说话交流,每一场ML戏都不一样,power dynamics发展难以预料。Tim的结局幸好没照原著朝伤痕文学改编,那可就与时不俱进了。
  2. JB的演绎厉害,Tim的人物弧光确实给他的发展空间也是无比大,一开始使劲虐,让无数在reletionships中被伤害过的人代入他同情他,卖剧需求的杀必死也是有原则有品位的。看JB上各种综艺的actor talks暖心的不得了,这沉沉的真心要好好珍惜。
  3. 剧集串起了多个美国同志史大事件,夸张点说一部剧看下来几乎把整个一部近代美国同志编年史温习了一遍。话说这是今年第二部讲McCarthy的现象级作品了,听主创人员分享解读时都说离不开原著的基础,金牌编剧的实力,制作方的绿灯和预算,主演们的投入etc。但我一外国人想的最多的还是能纪念与不能纪念之间的巨大区别:lavender scare按理说多小的一个footnote,但在相关社群里能诞生影响力如此大的一部作品,说回来又想到了美国孩子了解历史的优势,人家总能找到有趣的流行作品来找灵感不是吗?
  4. Yaoi/Gay Romance是我从初中性觉醒开始就有的一个爱好,虽然很多年来大部分时候也就是一个能让人愉悦的comfort food,但我也不止一次想搞清楚为什么包括我在内的全世界无数直女能拥有如此感性又强烈的对男同的爱,之前有研究过维基百科的词条,但无奈太长了,阅读其间链接连着超链接,点来点去就看晕了,现在有了ChatGPT跟它聊了聊,帮我简单整理了一下,发现总结得真好,就来分享一下:

I. Safe Exploration of Romance: Gay romance provides a space for women to explore romantic narratives without the traditional gender dynamics that might exist in heterosexual relationships. This can be seen as a safer, more egalitarian way to enjoy romantic stories.

II. Emotional Depth and Vulnerability: Gay romances often emphasize emotional depth, communication, and vulnerability, aspects that might be less prominent in traditional heterosexual romances. This can be appealing to anyone who values deep emotional connections.

III. Escape from Stereotypes: Gay romance stories often break away from the conventional gender roles and expectations found in many heterosexual romances. This can be refreshing for readers looking for something different from the norm.

IV. Intersection with Feminism: There's often an intersection with feminist perspectives, where consumers advocate for breaking down traditional gender roles and stereotypes in romances.

V. Affinity for Non-Conventional Stories: If you've always felt like a non-conformist or different from the norm, you might naturally gravitate towards stories and characters that also stand out from mainstream narratives.

另外我还问了问AI为啥欧美Gay Romance和东亚BL如此不同,人家的回答也是言简意赅,鞭辟入里:

The phenomenon of straight women enjoying gay male romances differs across cultures, notably between East Asia and the United States, influenced by cultural, social, and media landscapes.

East Asia (e.g., Japan, China, South Korea)

㊀. 耽美受众一直偏女性向: In countries like Japan, genres like Yaoi (BL - Boys' Love) are extremely popular. These are often created by and for women, featuring romantic or sexual relationships between men.

㊁. 东亚社会对性别定位分工太严僵: Yaoi and similar genres can be a form of escapism from the strict gender roles and expectations prevalent in many East Asian societies. These stories offer a space where traditional societal norms are less enforced.

㊂. 活跃的平台走线上和小众: There are vibrant fan communities in East Asia that engage with these genres through fan fiction, art, and conventions. These communities are often very active and form a significant part of popular culture.

㊃. 传播重点在情感探讨和审美需求: East Asian countries have seen a surge in BL dramas and movies, becoming a mainstream genre in places like Thailand and Taiwan. These often focus on emotional depth and aesthetic portrayal of relationships.

United States

i. 多元化&代表性: In the U.S., there's a strong focus on diversity and authentic representation in media. Gay romances are increasingly part of mainstream media, not just a niche interest.

ii. 政治理念 &社会维度: The consumption of gay romance can also be intertwined with political and social beliefs, particularly in support of LGBTQ+ rights.

iii. 更多主流传播平台: Gay romances in the U.S. are consumed through various media, including TV shows, movies, novels, and online platforms like fan fiction websites.

iv. 与女性主义的交集: There's often an intersection with feminist perspectives, where consumers advocate for breaking down traditional gender roles and stereotypes in romances.


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