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原名:他們在島嶼寫作:尋找背海的人又名:The Man behind the Book

分类:纪录片 /  中国台湾  2011 

简介: 每一夜,小说家和他自己搏斗,在斗室内,像挖掘壕沟那样地起运着胸膛内的土……



文 / 蒋斐然
































这六部电影虽然出自不同的导演之手,风格各异,但在整体上竟然也呈现出了巧妙的统一性。影像画质都很相近于5D Mark II的风格,都采用了读诗和念白的手法,也都围绕着作家本身展开叙事,配乐几乎一致地采用了无调性的现代弦乐,非常贴合诗文的气质。这一套非常高质素的文学纪录电影,值得每一位电影观众和文学读者细细咀嚼和珍藏。




A Beacon in the Dusk: The Inspired Island

Jiang Feiran

“Who left the profession of writing poetry, hanging up a beacon in the dusk”.

This generation witnesses a gradual decline in reading literature, The Inspired Island hangs up a beacon in the dusk.

We cannot help sighing with emotion: Taiwan, oh Taiwan; Taiwan, oh Taiwan. Taiwan, which seems to have been polluted with a foul atmosphere by political power and filled with a decaying folk custom and a superficial entertainment circle, never truly disappoints people, for at a certain moment from a certain corner of this island, there would always unexpectedly spring up some powerful video or audio creations and literary memories never washed away by turbulence or weeded out by history, bring back people’s belief in the existence of beauty. This island, with its marketplace culture and disputes, resembles the old China during the Spring and Autumn Period, showing in the turbulence freedom, under which bloomed all flowers.

They are writing in the Island. Who are they? “They” refers to drifting but invisibly formed generation group, which boasts not only a historical distance, but also an aesthetic and emotional back-glance. “Island”, a historical and geographical nominatum, conceals an escaping path of thoughts regardless of provincial class, unification or independence and discards the rigid national symbol and politicalized emotion movements. And “writing in the Island” forms a current proceeding of writing what connects the past and the future, skimming over the surface of the Island with the creative energy of writing. “Island & writing” makes “Island” exist not prior to “writing” and “writing” unable to exist without “Island”.

Six literary giants, coming from various backgrounds with different birthplaces and places where they grew up, are all writing in the Island, writing the Island, and escaping from the stereotyped forms by writing. What is worth thinking about is that some of them all came to Taiwan from China’s mainland. Yu Kwang-chung, one of the six, once described the places where he experienced his life: China’s mainland is the mother, while Taiwan is the wife. How come that children born in the mother’s land are blooming in the love of a place away from home, and then deeply attached to the nostalgic poetry? Regardless of the current events and the politics, only the cultural divergence between the two places could already make people sorrowful.

The Inspired Island: Series of Eminent Writers from Taiwan is a miracle of literary documentaries, making itself an important cultural event last year in Taiwan and bringing delight to sighing people—it is well enough that literature and readers are still here. This miraculous documentary aroused the feelings of six literary giants with extraordinary sincerity, made the image with the form of films by using the budget of a documentary, released to the public with a literary attitude and won a high box-office and a great reputation with a plain appearance. Though not a commercial film, it delivered the courage to challenge audience’s taste, which irresistibly generates our admiration for Fisfisa Media, the issuer and the producer, for its super courage and selfless humanistic feelings. However, it is out of all people’s expectation that it this age of fast food consumption, long and slow poetry has re-aroused people’s tender memories for literature, and sincere and simple images have excavated the interest among the words and between the lines, shortened the distance between the audience and poets, and resisted the worry of reading decline. This indicates that in whatever way the times changes, the original purity and beauty of human nature would remain unfading.

You would suddenly understand their poems by observing poets’ life and their ways of existence as a human. For instance, I felt rather surprised when watching The Coming of Tulku. Perhaps I had already heard about Chou Meng-tieh who had a bookstall at Wuchang Street, but I did not know that he was just like his poems, regarding life and versifying as cultivating himself, very calm and without worldly passions. Also, the poems of Yu Kwang-chung must be very familiar to readers in China’s mainland, while it was in The Untrammeled Traveler that I came to fully sense the nostalgic feeling and came to realize that the Yu Kwang-chung existing in my mind before was not the real him and that I never truly understood his poems. And this is where the significance of documentaries—leading people into and then to understand an unknown world— can be found.

The Inspired Island was a great success. In Taiwan, it was the first time for this kind of documentaries to be shown in cinemas for five continuing weeks. With so-called two poisons for box-office, “documentary” and “literature”, it became surprisingly hot in the market, marking a miraculous phenomenon. People with lofty ideals showed their great recommendation in succession, no matter from the literary and art circles or not. Sylvia Chang, an actress, showed her support by attending the first run; Ma Ying-jeou, the Taiwan Leader, posted the prevue onto the FACEBOOK after watching it and revealed great appreciation; many other people, after watching it, all flooded to bookstores for collections of poems with enormous passion. In other words, people begin to read poems again. Isn’t that the biggest miracle?

If the aforementioned is the miracle brought to literature by films or the contributions made to literature’s popularization and rejuvenation by films, the following could be regarded as the nourishment that literature has in turn provided for films. Chen Chuanxing, the director of The Coming of Tulku and Port of Mists, said that literature could always inject abundant fresh content into films. Viewing worldwide, we may see that BBC has produced many series of documentaries for writers, and there are also courses on literature films in American universities, but literature films are still not popular in Asia. In the whole Great China, The Inspired Island was the initiator of that. If this achievement can generate the development and expenditure of literature films in Asia, it would enrich our film market and film creation, opening a diversified exit for both filmmakers and the audience. Viewing from the significance of documentaries, it would also be stimulus for the current creation of documentary films. That surely needs all people’s support and promotion, and this is what we are exactly doing.

In Taiwan, some people are striving to keep the kindling of pure literature, while in China’s mainland, where literature once experienced similar damages due to turbulences, there are few people initiatively practicing love for literature. But I believe that there also incubate a multitude of literary youths, and Taiwan literature is the very nutrition during their growth. It is just that under this background and social morality, they choose to conceal the fervor of keeping what they are eager to express. This time, a glance of the greatness of these literary giants on the screen during the HAFF would surely inspire those literary youths who have long been undergoing marginalization. Also, those who have not read for long would probably win back their identity of being a reader after seeing this series of films. On the other hand, it also provides an introspection for the dull, stuffy and commercialized films from China’s mainland, bringing the tasteless film-seeing market fresh energy. The audience here have long been waiting in the dark video halls for showing up of “different” films on the screens, for the long-awaited touching affection from films, and for the recovery of artistic taste that has been sealed up for years.

The Separated Sceneries of Home in Two Cities

What The Inspired Island reveals is the emotion of times under the power of images.

The six films boast complexity in narrative structures, uniqueness in video or audio adjustments and wit and profoundness in aesthetics and ethnics. Unlike traditional filmmaking of “writer’s silhouette”, each of the six films has two creation souls echoing and clashing with each other. One is the author who uses words, and the other is the director who uses images, both of whom show subtle tension between each other, making images not just the second expression of words and words jump out of the nostalgic atmosphere and display the modern emotions.

Home in Two Cities refers to Taipei and Beijing, and Taiwan and China’s mainland. This film delivers profound meaning in its meditation that Yang Li-chou, its director, made a complete interpretation of the concept of “two” throughout the film. He photographed the process of Lin Haiyin’s daughter’s visiting her mother’s former site in Beijing and then co-arranged the image of the earlier visit of Ms. Lin herself. The two shoots were quite similar in both camera locations and routes, even the daughter and the mother both asked some same questions, as a result of which the feeling of the two shoots’ echoing emerged, suggesting the transmission from generation to generation and the strong connection between the two places. In order to echo with the concept of “two”, Ke Zhihao, the background music controller, mixed the melodies and rhythms of Russian and continental music, while the themes of all scenes conceal the note of Seeing Off, which is the principal axis of the music of this film. Also, collisions are frequently seen in the editing of the film. For example, when it came to the narration that Lin Haiyin was deposed for publishing Fengchi’s article, the frame was at first the applauding scene in the meeting place of the guiding video of “literature should serve the politics” in those days. What followed was solemn and serious subtitles informing people that it was behind these applauds that Lin Haiyin got deposed, and it was behind these applauds that Fengchi was sentenced to three and a half years. Examples like this can be found everywhere. Another point worth mentioning is that Home in Two Cities possesses many animations, which are exquisite and comfortable and not isolated from the film, for the original painting was taken from My Memories of Old Beijing, Lin Haiyin’s favorite illustration by watercolor master Guan Weixing, while at the same time, the realizing approach of Peking Opera can make people truly feel this story that happened in old Beijing. I felt I was closer to Ms. Lin’s world after watching the animations. Besides, Home in Two Cities has adopted quite a few such slightly affected depicting approaches with special effects as matching dynamic news report to the page turning of old newspapers. This is deliberate, sensational and fiery, while documentaries are indifferent, honest and calm. Having realized this, the director deliberately revealed some “goof” scenes now and then, either showing the camera in the scene or keeping some shaking scenes, the purpose of which is to push the audience out of the story and back to the objective attitude of the documentary.

The Man behind the Book is a romantic record of realism

The Man behind the Book directed by Lin Jingjie is a documentary with both modernity and artistry. Because Wang Wenxing is a writer of modernism, so the film is very appropriate to echo this form.

The film has the detailed clues and rigorous framework, and of course, there are a lot of initiative and ingenuity, making the film a non-traditional documentary. In order to transform the novel into a visual story, the director simply adapted 《Festen》into a modern drama presented in the film because Wang Wenxing is a novelist. Another idea is a "cell", Wang Wenxing compared the room where he writes everyday to the cell, and Lin Jingjie shot the writing process of him in the cell. To be honest, being relaxed in front of the camera is quite hard for the writer. And it’s same for the director, since it needs a lot of communication. The scene of writing presented finally is touching, when we see the writer holding the pen beat the desktop and the manuscript, we can feel that he is beating his own soul. As to the animation in this film, it is significantly different from several other film animation, It is experimental. 《The summer at the foot of the grassland》is realistic,《Find the man back to the sea》 and 《Capriccio at Star Rain House》 just like a pioneer. Take them apart, they are all great work, so the whole film is of high quility. The soundtrack suits the literature temperament of Wang Wenxing, it has the sense of dreariment, with the animation, it impresses us with the humor and cruel of mechanical materialism.

Although this six films are directed by the six different directors, vary from style, they have something common on the whole. First, Image quality is similar to the style of 5D Mark II. Then, they all read poets or narration, they all tell a story about writers. Besides, they all use modern string music as the soundtrack, fitting the temperament of poem. These high quality literature documentary films deserve every movie audiences and literature readers experience.

Towards the Completion of a Poem is not a completed toward.

It is named from the work《The finish of poem》by Yang Mu. In his opinion, in terms of pan-righteous, writing the poem has no end, in other words, never completed, so why not add" towards "to the title, so we see this name. This film is directed by the WEN Zhiyi, the only woman in the six directors of these films, the film is relatively feminine. This, of course, is the feature and advantage of the female director.

What impressed me most is the introduction to the poem 《twelve astrological Etude》 about anti-Vietnam War. The introduction mixs the modern dance with the picture of Vietnam War ,it’s full of soft and experimental, I think this is the approach what male directors will never adopted. The film has the scene of performance, a child interpretated the childhood of Yang Mu in Hualien. The film also use the animation to explain the poem by Yang mu like the film Home in Two Cities, and lots of interview of the people related to the Yang mu as well, these are the common approaches of documentaries. A plenty of poets and students read the poems in the film, meaning that Yang's poems affect generations of people, but the director let Yang Mu read his own poems as the opening and the end of the movie, making us moved. The film focus on the poets rather than the poems they write, just like the other five movies, and that’s good. Thus the whole film is close to the poet's own temperament.
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