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原名:Bowling for Columbine又名:科伦拜恩的保龄 / 美國黐Gun檔案

分类:纪录片 / 历史 /  加拿大   2002 

简介: 这部记录片拍摄的起因是美国哥伦比亚中学的校园枪击事件。纪录片人摩尔着眼于大屠杀的





Bowings for Columbine
Michael Moore, who is the director and producer of Bowings for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11 and Sicko, is a very controversial figure. He is criticized as a traitor of United States. However I think he is a real and rare patriot, the conscience of United States. He is pondering deeply over what’s the reason and what’s the solution, who should be blamed and is responsible for the tragedies.

The Bowling for Columbine is an extremely successful documentary rewarded for over a hundred awards including 2002 Academy Award for Documentary Feature. This movie interprets the reason exploration procedure of the slaughter took place in Columbine High School and which is further, explores the reason of violence in society of America. The movie is impressively interesting and deep in the main idea, other than the other traditional documentaries. It doesn’t narrate from the stand of view of a witness, the editor of the movie Bowling for Columbine intensely shows his opinion toward the cause of the violence and the treatment to weapon permission and lead the audience participating, though his kind of subjective expression of one’s idea seems to disobey the purpose of a documentary of recording the objective facts.

The movie is very efficient and ethical.

It is effective because of his way of getting the answer. He has never told the audience what should the answer be or lead to what your attitude towards of this issue directly. He stood on the audience’s point and tried to find out the final result. He just simply and gradually listed the entire hypothesis and then denied all the guesses that what causes the violence in Columbine High School. He got an opposite conclusion the hypothesis. In this way, he denied all his single guesses. For example, was the singer Marilyn Manson to be blamed because of his decadent and gothic figure image. He then asked in reply why not the bowling game, just because the offenders played bowling before the criminal, which was as ridiculous as putting blame on Marilyn Manson. It is an irresponsible way of putting the reasons onto a superficial thing just because it happened! Michael Moore’s comparison from bowling and Marilyn Manson is extremely wise and satirical like he always does. The he disproved the reason of violence and sanguinariness comes from TV and video games, movie, race, history of violence, ease of getting a weapon and media, etc, through investigating and comparisons between United States and some other countries: more violence videos are played in Japan, more complexities of race components there are and same simplicity of free gun trade in Canada, Japan and Germany have more bloody histories of wars than US, and Germany is the origin of gothic music, all of those countries have much lower percentage of crime committed. The confirmation makes the reason of violence in US more confusing and puzzling.

This documentary effectively interludes different fragments of materials. Such as interviews of Marilyn Manson, witness during the shot, the talk with the president and actor of NAR, repeat the scene that the 16-year-old boy walked into the shop and bought the bullets and creatively Michael Moore used a short cartoon to show a brief American history to interprets his idea that the Americans are glutted with fear, fear for different threat is the origin of the violence and the permission of weapons in public. This kind if fear has already stroked root into the mind and society of Americans and spirit. Americans, other than the people from any other countries has an intense panic and illusion. And he cut news on television and to show the influence of media. The media causes the loop of fear and crime.

However the ethicalness of bowling for Columbine is argued by some critic and movie commentator. It was attacked by others who claim it was inaccurate and misleading in its presentations and suggested interpretations of events. For example, Fund, John(“UNMOORED FROM REALITY”, March 21st 2003, John Fund’s Political Diary, WSI.com Opinion Journal, The wall Street Journal Editorial Page. April7th 2003) said Michael made the preposterous claim that a Michigan program by which welfare recipients were required to work was responsible for an incident in which a six-year-old Flint boy shot a girl to death at school, and didn’t mention that the boy's mother had sent him to live in a crack house where her brother and a friend kept both drugs and guns--a frequently lethal combination, something like that, and “Moore has actually taken audio of seven sentences, from five different parts of the speech, and a section given in a different speech entirely, and spliced them together. Each edit is cleverly covered by inserting a still or video footage for a few seconds” from David T. Hardy in “BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE - Documentary or Fiction?” (Home page of David T. Hardy. 7 April2003). They claimed that Michael Moore did not deserve the Academy Award. But I think though he didn’t got a completed description of the material he used, which is unnecessary sometimes, his presentation is very logical and though he has a strong opinion in the movie, the facts and the materials he quoted, no matter the secondary or primary research they were, were completely unbiased.

I think the violence in the society is a complicated phenomenon, which is influenced by different varieties of factors. To find a reason for an affair is a practical research. As Michael Moore wished to build up the causality, he ruled out every possible and alternative explanation, which is really convincing. But the more complicated the phenomenon is, the less easy the answer it will be. Different direct and indirect factors such as the forming of thinking violence, personalities, family influence, community, poverty, the opposition of races, discrimination, protection and safety in schools, or all of the united above could cause the massacre in Columbine.

No results could be ever changed. All what we can do is to prevent bad things happen. Michael Moore calls on to take positive measures, rectify the social fields, which are ignored or mishandled by the current government. It is a systematical project, concerning many aspects, and is not able to be completed in a short term. It needs every effort towards this goal. If every one allow the bad things happen without compunction other than Michael Moore, what the world it will be when we pass it on to next generation?

Besides, if we just shirk responsibility to the society, looking for reforming, one possible result is it becoming an eternal unsettled problem. There are many factors caused violence, but not another has the same influence. Some reasons are more to be concerned. For example the inference of politics in other countries, which affects the distribution of social resource and absorbs people’s attention on society revolution and rationalization. That kind of influence is a long term one and is very hard to estimate. And the abuse of guns is also an issue that should be focused. In the case of Columbine, the weapons were traded legally; the bullets came from the K-mart nearby. Ten days after that, Meyer of Denver Wellington Webb warned the host of NRA never to come because he was not welcomed. But the host replied: This is America. He could go everywhere he’d love to. When he repeated this on the meeting, there is a burst into thunders. People in American support owning weapons, but they do not want to be hurt by weapons or involved in a crime. How could that happen?

Actually, Bowling for columbine didn’t give us a clearer answer of these puzzling, deep and impressive questions. There are no easy answers to look for indeed. Michael Moore used humorous questions dealing with serious problems. But in the end, the thing he left is the more and more confusing questions not only entertainment. I think, as long as the society keep as it is today, more and more people like Michael Moore will never stop wondering.



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