约翰·威尔逊的十万个怎么做 第一季

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原名:How to with John Wilson又名:

分类:喜剧 / 纪录片 /  美国  2020 

简介: 一个焦虑的纽约客,在处理个人问题的同时,试图提出日常生活的建议。


约翰·威尔逊的十万个怎么做 第一季影评:Memos


You can waste your entire life palying it safe, but the real danger is never what you expect it to be.
And if you put up too much scaffolding to protect yourself, you might just end up buried underneath it.
But if we try real hard to take it down, piece by piece...eventually, on day, it'll all be gone.And only then will we know if it was all for show.
It could be kind of scary at first...but we may be better off finding new ways to protect courselves from all the uncertainty in the sky.


...And I realized that maybe it's unnatural to try preserve some things.
The way the past exists in our head is not always the way that we experienced it.
And at the end of the day,there will always be distortions, as long as humans are responsible for remembering everything.
So enjoy this fantasy while you can,because if you're having a bad day today, you can always remember it being better tomorrow.


When everyting you know has to be thrown out completely,your idea of perfection should...probably be thrown out too. And you just have to do whatever feels right.
I guess it's just best for me to stay in here for now,where I can dream of the day when we can finally eat together again.
Because by the time I'm allowed to leave this apartment, there's gonna be a whole new set of rules that didn't exist before,and I may just have to...relearn everything I thought I knew.
But that's okey, because we're all gonna have to...figure it out together.
And right now, we got nothing but time.

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