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原名:Inside Out 2又名:玩转脑朋友2(港) / 脑筋急转弯2(台)

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 / 动画 / 奇幻 / 冒险 /  美国  2024 

简介: 你的“小情绪”们回来了!皮克斯人气作品《头脑特工队》续作《头脑特工队2》在D23



Part 2 most focus on Anxiety. In the movie, it is because of Riley’s puberty, but in reality, no matter what stage it is, especially in today's stressful social environment, everyone will be in such Anxiety. I can say that this film was partially made for adults and for anyone who is in a bad mental situation. I’ve been in this state for a long time in the past two years. So when I watched it in cinema, it really resonated with myself. Seeing Riley’s overlapping emotions and her pessimism about the future was deeply touching. It reminds its viewers how growing older can be tough, how overthinking affects everything else, how decisions that are made today may affect what's next. But it is also a strong reminder that problems, fear, worries and anxieties will come. They are all inevitable but everything will pass. Take a deep breath, stay calm and do not overstress everything. Having a calm mind also affects the way we think. We may feel pressure at any given time but we have to sit back and relax.

But should anxiety not exist at all? Each of us has been deeply trapped in anxiety at some point and has tried hard to escape it. The movie’s breakdown and discussion of anxiety give the audience a chance to calmly look at this feeling. Is anxiety only negative? Even anxiety is a useful emotion for us. All “negative emotions” have positive effects. Emotions themselves are neither right nor wrong. How we handle them determines whether they help us or hurt us. So, what guides our emotions?

At this point, the film moves to a bigger philosophical theme. When we feel anxious because of things inside or outside of us, what belief helps guide our emotions? In the past, Riley’s beliefs were all about positive emotions like “I’m great,” “I’m kind,” “I can win.” But in real life, Riley also faces moments of “I’m not good enough,” “I can’t reach my goals,” “I’m not perfect,” “I have flaws.” What is the real me? It’s both the “I’m great” me and the “not good enough” me. We shouldn’t look up to ourselves just because we’re great, nor should we look down on ourselves just because we’re not good enough. We should be happy for the parts of us that are great. For the parts that are not good enough, we should find the cause, be honest, and fix the problems.

Knowing, accepting, breaking, and rebuilding ourselves is what growth is about. The process of constantly breaking down and rebuilding makes us stronger. Riley’s tree of belief is just starting to grow. A tree needs different kinds of nourishment to grow—sunlight, dew, and also rain and wind. The seed of belief must be planted in real soil to take root, grow strong, reach for the sunlight, and become a tall tree that can protect us during tough times.

I really look forward to seeing a third and fourth movie in the Inside Out series. Riley might go to college, graduate, and start her career. She might fall in love, get married, and have kids, or maybe she won’t. Her brain’s control center will keep growing and changing, and she will face confusion, doubt, and despair. But that’s okay because Joy and hope will always come back, making life seem not so bad.

As Riley gets older, nostalgia might take up more time. We might also see new emotions like “Regret” and “Contentment” join her, just like we all do!After experiencing many different things in life and looking back on her journey, Riley might say, “I’ve been through tough times and good times; I’ve looked into the darkness, but I can still see the stars.”

So that’s all, let me just end it with my favorite quote from Frozen 2, when you don’t know what to do, just: “Do the next right thing!”While we can’t always be happy, I hope joy will guide you through life.

Good night!


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