
6.0 还行

原名:Les glaneurs et la glaneuse又名:拾穗者与我(港) / 艾格妮捡风景(台) / 同是天涯拾荒客 / 我和拾穗者 / 拾荒者 / The Gleaners & I

分类:纪录片 /  法国  2000 




作者:Larissa Pham





At the end of February of 2020, I watchedThe Gleaners and Iwith my boyfriend at BAM. It was, I thought, an ordinary day. We bought tickets in advance because we knew the small theater’s screenings always sell out; I thought I would be cold inside, but I had my coat, so it was okay. It was the first Agnès Varda I’d ever seen, but I knew it was a favorite of my partner’s. Eleven days later, the city locked down.


InThe Gleaners and I,Varda sets out to make a documentary about the lives of gleaners and scavengers she encounters in the cities and countryside of France. Along the way she gets pleasurably lost in the details. Scenes spin off scenes until the whole film is less a straightforward narrative than an accumulation of experiences. On a trip to visit a field where gleaners pick over potatoes that have been missed by the harvesting machine, Varda is invited to choose her own. “The heart, the heart, I want the heart,” Varda cries, reaching for a misshapen potato, its two halves bifurcated like the atria of a heart. There she discovers a pile of rejects: the oddly formed produce can’t be sold at the grocery store. Varda immediately films the potatoes up close with her handheld camera, recording unsteadily with one hand while gleaning heart-shaped potatoes with the other. Then she takes them home and films them again, the lens lingering over their mottled, thin-skinned surfaces.


Much ofThe Gleaners and Iis shot with this same small handheld camera, the lens panning over surfaces, zooming in and out. The camera is “stroboscopic, narcissistic, hyperrealistic,” Varda intones. The imagery it captures becomes an ode to the specificity of what is seen and observed by an individual—it’s the polar opposite of hypnotic, bodiless drone footage. Watching Varda’s film, we ride along with her, seeing what she sees, hearing what she hears. As she makes sense of the world she witnesses, she passes it on to us, the audience, shaped by her singular perspective. “There is another woman gleaning in the film; it’s me,” she declares. The gleaners glean potatoes, apples, parsley, and oranges on the street. Like skimming cream off the top of milk—or perhaps surfing on a wave, emerging smoothly above the frothy sea—Varda gleans their stories, capturing them in lovingly compiled footage.


When I love someone, I eat what they eat. I sleep in their bed; I wear their clothes. I collect the detritus of our relationship, secreting it in corners of my apartment where I can see it all the time: scribbled notes, ticket stubs, a metal lapel clip from the museum in Mexico City. These things I’ve gleaned remind me that love exists and that I am loved.


InThe Gleaners and I,there’s a moment where Varda arrives home from a trip abroad. “For me and my poor memory, returning from a journey, it’s what I have gleaned that tells me where I’ve been,” she narrates, over a montage of her pulling out souvenirs from an unzipped suitcase. Her keepsakes from Japan are lovably kitschy: postcards of Edo-period woodcuts, brightly colored loofahs, a fabric banner decorated with amaneki-neko(招财猫)for good luck. When I think of this moment, I want to tell Varda: Yes, I’m the same way. I’m forgetful too.


I should explain that I’m not really a movie person. At all, in fact. It’s not that I don’t like movies; I’m actually convinced that moving-image media is the pinnacle of art, combining everything that’s good about everything. But I’m terrible at watching things on my own. There’s something about the total surrender of a movie-viewing experience—the need to devote two hours of focused energy; the overwhelming synthesis of sound, visuals, and narrative—that frightens me, makes me fear I’ll feel too much. I’m always trying to mediate my experience. I’ll read the plot summary; I turn on subtitles to give me something concrete to follow.


But I’ve learned to love cinema—not just in theory, as a would-be art critic, but in practice. In the experience of watching, letting a film unfold. As the city locked down and the theaters closed, my partner and I retreated, like so many others, to the interior. During the day, we biked, crisscrossing Brooklyn to try every bánh mì the borough had to offer. At night, we watched movies together, huddled in his apartment:Burning, Clouds of Sils Maria,the entireLord of the Ringstrilogy, pausing during the Battle of Helm’s Deep to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.Chungking Expressand Kieślowski’sThree Colors.In that space, our lockdown universe of two, I learned to be patient. To be as still as the glacial, slow-motion beginning ofMelancholia.To be as curious about life and its infinite, infinitely developing stories as Agnès Varda.


Varda’s film was inspired by witnessing gleaners on the streets of Paris stooping to pick up produce left over from markets. Her subjects include people who are frequently poor and unhoused, and who turn to gleaning out of necessity, whether to find food or to salvage materials, like scrap copper, to sell. Throughout the film it’s clear that gleaning is an act of necessity, but when we expand its definition, as Varda attempts, we see it’s also an act of love. It’s picking up what has escaped notice, paying attention to the fruit left on the vine. Late in the film, Varda turns her attention to a group of gleaners who dumpster-dive, gathering up food that’s near its sell-by date, cooking enormous meals before the meat goes bad. There are trayfuls of rabbit, stacks of chicken thighs. When Varda exclaims that they’ll be eating meat for weeks, one of the gleaners answers: “We always find someone to share it with.”


Varda’s gaze throughout the film is a loving one. A camera is an intrusion, but it also elevates: she meets her subjects, human and non-, with kindness. We see what she sees, which is also what she wants us to see,(上面出现了这句话,没有翻了)as she zooms in, panning over humble cabbages, heavy-headed sunflowers. A patch of mold from a water leak, spreading on the ceiling and into the wall, is reconfigured through her lens, becoming “a Tàpies, a Guo-Qiang, a Borderie.” We return to the heart-shaped potatoes, now sprouting and growing moldy too. But we stay, held by Varda’s interest. It is important to her, so it becomes important to us too.


This is my relationship to cinema—I want to love the things the person I love loves. And it is my relationship to love: because I love someone, I want to try to love what he loves. When I first watchedThe Gleaners and I,that day at BAM, I was paying extra attention. I wanted to love it the way my partner loved it, because I wanted to understand something about him. Varda’s film echoes this phenomenon of mine—it presents the idea that gleaning is a way of making use of something, of appreciating something that someone else has made use of. Of coasting beside it and learning why it’s useful, or beautiful, or full of potential. Maybe I’m a gleaner, too, in the way that I love—I’m always picking things up, scraping, incorporating them into my own life as a way of trying to understand someone else.


My favorite parts ofThe Gleaners and Iare Varda’s stray observations, the ones that arrive between moments or scenes. Language accumulates throughout the film, just like it does in a relationship. Driving through the countryside, Varda notices the large trucks that barrel down the highway, passing her car. She places her hand in front of the window, index finger and thumb forming a circle, framing each passing truck. Later, on another drive, Varda repeats the gesture, like an inside joke we now share. But then she closes her hand into a fist, winking the huge trucks out of sight. “I’d like to capture them,” she says. “To retain things passing? No, just to play.” But we know that she wants to keep them too—that’s what her other hand is doing in the recording of it, the camera on.


Midway through the film, while visiting a vineyard, where a family of gleaners is gathering grapes left on the vine, Varda accidentally leaves her camera on. The lens cap, dangling, dances, swaying and twirling above a background of dry grass and yellow leaves. Tickled by the footage, Varda keeps it in the film, setting it to a jazzy background. There’s a playfulness to it, a joy in the tiniest of things.


Waiting for the train the other day, my phone camera turned on in my bag. I picked it up to let my boyfriend know I was running late and saw that it had been recording. When I played it back, I saw snatches of black—the inside of my bag—and flashes of metallic white as the lens bumped against my water bottle. The flickering video, a minute and thirty seconds long, looked on the verge of abstract, turning into full-fledged realism as the frame moved out of my bag, panning over the platform edge, my shoe, then blue sky. Rather than delete it, I saved the video. I wanted to share it with the person I love, a message in the shared language of the thing we both lovetoo.



liushu • 拾荒
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