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原名:The First Time又名:爱之初体验

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情 /  美国  2012 

简介: 《第一次》集中描绘了两位高中青少年戴夫·霍奇曼(迪伦·奥布赖恩 饰)和奥布丽·米


第一次影评:Continue having this conversation with me, will you?

Screw first-time sex, let's just keep talking.

"I definitely don't know anything about love. I can't believe I talked like I did. All I want, like, in the world, is to just keep talking to you. I wanna know how your day was, where you wanna eat, and I wanna argue with you, and I wanna hear all your theories, even the ones that are just completely, you know, wrong. And I know it's not that simple. I just think, no, I really believe that if you'd just be willing, to continue having this conversation with me, then we can figure the rest out."

Travel- I am finally in the world

"One day I was just like walking around and I got lost. And, unfortunately, my cell phone was dead, and I had no idea where their apartment was. Then I was worried I was gonna have to adapt to life as a street person in Madrid. Finally I just wandered out into this plaza and I sat by this fountain and I just like breathed. And I realized I had been so focused on where I was going and getting back, that I hadn't even noticed where I was. I hadn't noticed anything. And so I started to. I started to notice like, the personality of the architecture and, like the way people greet each other on the streets, and even the sky looked different over there. And it felt like I was just letting go of something. But also like I'm finally in the world. Eventually I found my way back, but those few hours were like the best. It was the best part of my trip, and I just, I wanna get back out there so bad, there is so much stuff I wanna see. "
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