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原名:Julie & Julia又名:朱莉对朱莉亚隔代厨神(港) / 美味关系(台) / 朱丽与朱丽娅 / 茱莉对茱莉亚 / 茱莉与朱丽叶 / 美味厨神

分类:剧情 / 传记 /  美国  2009 

简介: 对工作感到灰心沮丧的曼哈顿下城发展公司员工茱莉•鲍威尔(艾美·亚当斯Amy Ad


朱莉与朱莉娅影评:Julie and Julia: a Trip about Food, Love and Life

365 days, 524 recipes, one girl and a tiny kitchen; how far will it go? Based on two true stories, the movie Julie and Julia, released in 2009, was directed by Nora Ephron, a true master of romantic comedy (When Harry met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle). This is a delightful, warm and inspiring movie full of tender scenes and inviting French food which absolutely brings you all-around enjoyment.
The film tells parallel plots of Julie Powell and Julia Child’s lives. Cooking connects these two protagonists, who never meet. Julia Child (Meryl Streep) moves to France with her husband Paul (Stanley Tucci) and learns cooking there. She publishes a famous cook book ten years later and becomes one of the most beloved chefs on American television. Julie (Amy Adams), who is in her 30s, lives in a small apartment with her husband (Chris Messina) and feels depressed about her soul-killing job as a clerk. To escape the monotony of everydayness, she decides to cook her way through 524 of Julia Child’s recipes and record that in her blog—in just one year. As Julie approaches the end of her project, the result is unexpected, but affords further thought.
Have you ever fallen into a rut, like what happens to Julie? In the film, she is driven crazy by sustaining complaint hotlines at work; she cried, but sits silently in her small cubicle. That scene reminds me of the moment I was in a mess and feel hopeless. Although the film deals with some trivial things in life, which could be a minor problem, it resonates with viewers and is thought provoking. Other than cooking itself, in Julie’s process of imitating Julia, the movie leads us to some serious points: how to face life and what the more important thing is than just fulfilling your dream. Passion and persistence for cooking, and love from others, these are what Julie possesses but tends to ignore in process of carrying out her project. Sometimes we are so concentrated on result, being blind to joy in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As a result, we forget to love; love the things you’re doing and love people in your life. I was astonished, realizing how cooking echoes to our lives.
In the film, Meryl Streep’s pleasant performance is one gem which drops you right into the story. I also found some of Julia’s real TV shows. After watching them, I have to say that Streep’s heated voice, weird accent and exhilarating laugh show us a wonderful and lively Julia Child who is enthusiastic, perseverant, and full of passion for life. Although it’s a little exaggerated, her body language in the movie especially captures Julia’s awkwardness, making the character more likable. Even if you have no interest in cooking at all, you will find some fun watching it. In one scene, Julia is talking with a French woman; she combines English with French but has no idea which language she is speaking. I chuckled at the comical atmosphere of this movie.
“Julie and Julia” uses warm colored pictures and lovely background music with a dash of nostalgia to convey to us the love of life. Like what Paul says to Julia: “You are the butter to my bread, the breath to my life”, the love between two protagonists and their husbands is heart-warming. “Julie and Julia” is a perfect choice for those who yearn to experience a delightful film. It will make you forget what’s going on in the real world and take you to the wonderful place of food, cooking and love.


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