

米诺视频为您提供2002年由休·格兰特,尼古拉斯·霍尔特,莎朗·斯莫,托妮·科莱特,娜塔丽·特纳,弗莱泽古迪,苏珊娜多伊尔,柏达妮缪尔,珍妮·加洛韦,维多莉亚·斯莫费特,Frog Stone,凯茜·墨菲,杰森萨尔基,安娜贝勒艾裴逊,马修·詹姆斯·托马斯,Scott Charles,希安马丁,马克·德鲁里,罗莎琳德·奈特,蕾切尔·薇兹,奥古斯图斯·珀如,亚历克斯丘,马克·希普,罗杰布莱尔利,蒂姆·赖斯,克里斯·塔伦特,Carol Vorderman,Richard Whiteley主演,克里斯·韦兹,保罗·韦兹导演的《关于一个男孩》/原名《About a Boy》/又名《单亲插班生(港) / 非关男孩(台)》剧情 喜剧 爱情 电影在线观看完整版,《关于一个男孩》百度云网盘资源以及《关于一个男孩》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《关于一个男孩》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

威尔(休·格兰特 Hugh Grant 饰)是一个伦敦的有钱人。他继承了父亲的遗产,终日吃喝玩乐,游戏情场。然而,他内心却有着空虚和孤独。为了能够认识更多的女人

Plot Summary:Twelve year old Marcus Brewer lives with his chronically depressed single mother, Fiona Brewer. Both Fiona and Marcus beat to their own respective drummers. Marcus will do whatever he can to make his depressed mother happy, even if it causes himself grief. As such, he realizes that he is perceived as different than most kids, as even the self-professed weird kids don't want to hang out with him as he is the target of bullying. Part of the taunts against him are the fact that he sings and speaks to himself without even realizing that he is doing it. Meanwhile, thirty-eight year old Will Freeman is a slacker who has lived comfortably off the royalties of a song written by his deceased father, and as such has never had to work a day in his life. He is a solitary man who places himself as the first and only priority in life. He comes across the idea that dating single moms meets his selfish carnal needs. It is in this capacity that Will meets Marcus, as one of Will's single mother conquests, Suzie, is friends with the Brewers. Trying to escape his life but wanting Will to date Fiona, Marcus infiltrates Will's life, much to Will's chagrin. Will slowly begins to realize that Marcus is more than just a nuisance, but rather someone who needs some guidance navigating through the trials of adolescence and the trials of dealing with a suicidal mother, and perhaps he can be a small part of providing that direction. Conversely, Marcus may be able to show Will the path to becoming a real adult.


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