Der träumende Mund(1953)

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分类:剧情  地区:西德  年份:1953 

主演:Maria Schell O.W. Fischer Philip Dorn Eva Portmann Marga Maasberg 

导演:Josef von Báky / 亨利·贝恩斯坦 Henri Bernstein

亨利·贝恩斯坦 Henri Bernstein




米诺视频为您提供1953年由Maria Schell,O.W. Fischer,Philip Dorn,Eva Portmann,Marga Maasberg主演,Josef von Báky导演的《Der träumende Mund》/原名《》剧情 电影在线观看完整版,《Der träumende Mund》百度云网盘资源以及《Der träumende Mund》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Der träumende Mund》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Peter is about to perform a Ludwig Von Beethoven concert for the first time and he needs his wife Elisabeth "Liss" (Maria Schell) there for emotional support. He claims he always plays his best when she is there. To his surprise, his old friend Michael Sekretar is the solo violinist. Elisabeth is late for the performance, as usual. The moment she lays her eyes on Michael she is instantly infatuated. After the performance, Liss goes to look for Peter and accidentally walks into Michael's dressing room. He is immediately attracted to her as well. Later that evening Michael confides to Peter that he recently saw a woman that he could easily fall in love with. Neither one knew that he was speaking of Elisabeth. Elisabeth and Michael secretly meet and agree that they will run away together until Peter becomes ill. Elisabeth knows that she cannot be with both men. In the end she chooses the man her heart truly belongs to.

Der träumende Mund:章节剧情




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