Living Idle(2017)

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分类:短片  地区:印度  年份:2017 

主演:Anil Charanjeett Geetanjali Mishra Aaliya Shaikh Alfiya Shaikh 

导演:Ramana.artbyramana / 

2017-01-19(印度)印地语 , 泰卢固语



米诺视频为您提供2017年由Anil Charanjeett,Geetanjali Mishra,Aaliya Shaikh,Alfiya Shaikh主演,Ramana.artbyramana导演的《Living Idle》短片 电影在线观看完整版,《Living Idle》百度云网盘资源以及《Living Idle》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Living Idle》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Living Idle is a symbolic short film that reflects actions have consequences. This is the story of an artist - a creative sculptor of idols, that puts life and colour into clusters of mud and clay. Ironically, he fails to add colour to his own creation- his world, his family, his child. The narrative revolves around how a creation of the sculptor- an idol of Ma Durga punishes him (by rendering him indisposed and idle), when he crosses all limits of abuse and shows him a life of yearning. The film concludes with a deep dawn of realisation - of how a single action- takes away from him his ability to be a prolific sculptor- that of clay and stone and that of his child's future. The film is embedded with contrasting symbolism, as aptly reflected in its title, most strongly that of the strength of a woman, of a mother, which is - representative in Ma Durga's rendition of 'Good over Evil'.

Living Idle:章节剧情




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