馬其頓傳奇Македонска Повест(1993)

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分类:剧情 爱情  地区:马其顿  年份:1993 

主演:Kiril Pop Hristov Biljana Taneska 梅托·约瓦诺夫斯基 Vlado Jovanovski Petar Temelkovski Vladimir Svetiev 扎菲尔·哈德兹玛诺夫 Jusuf Gulevski Bedija Begovska Sisman Angelovski Erdoan Maksut Todor Nikolovski Aco Jovanovski Cedo Kamdzijas Predrag Pavlovski Dzemail Maksut Zvezda Angelovska Aleksandar Mikic 

导演:Branko Gapo / 

1993马其顿语 , 塞尔维亚语 , 阿尔巴尼亚语



米诺视频为您提供1993年由Kiril Pop Hristov,Biljana Taneska,梅托·约瓦诺夫斯基,Vlado Jovanovski,Petar Temelkovski,Vladimir Svetiev,扎菲尔·哈德兹玛诺夫,Jusuf Gulevski,Bedija Begovska,Sisman Angelovski,Erdoan Maksut,Todor Nikolovski,Aco Jovanovski,Cedo Kamdzijas,Predrag Pavlovski,Dzemail Maksut,Zvezda Angelovska,Aleksandar Mikic主演,Branko Gapo导演的《馬其頓傳奇》/原名《Македонска Повест》/又名《Macedonian Saga》剧情 爱情 电影在线观看完整版,《馬其頓傳奇》百度云网盘资源以及《馬其頓傳奇》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《馬其頓傳奇》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The arrival of the young teacher Damjan in one village in western Macedonia shakes the usual daily life of its inhabitants who belong to different religions. He, in many ways is altered from the former teachers in the village. With his youth, with the way he communicates with children and with his vanguard, is attracting attention between the villagers. In that kind of circumstances, he is respected guest in many village homes. In one of them also lives a girl named Djemile, sister of the new teacher friend, who by chance is the first person he met in the village. The beautiful girl attracts attention to Damjan who in the beginning, maybe irresponsibly, is courting to her, disregarding the patriarchal environment he enters. Love is born, which tragic component is present since day one. Different religious beliefs doesn't allow possibility for a happy ending of this love, that pretty soon will stop being secret. Under strong pressure from the family of Djemile, and from the village in general, Damjan is gonna leave. Short after, like in madness, he returns back. But, in that time continuum, Djemile killed herself, jumping in the overflow river, aside that her great love began there.


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