求票记Vienu biļeti, lūdzu!(2017)

6.0 还行

分类:纪录片  地区:拉脱维亚   年份:2017 

主演:Andris Berzins Nicki Cochrane Aminata Grieta Diarra Peteris Gaudins Sarmite Rubule Imants Strads 

导演:马蒂斯·卡扎 / 马蒂斯·卡扎 Matiss Kaza

马蒂斯·卡扎 Matiss Kaza

2017-01-30(哥德堡电影节) / 2017-03-13(拉脱维亚)英语



米诺视频为您提供2017年由Andris Berzins,Nicki Cochrane,Aminata Grieta Diarra,Peteris Gaudins,Sarmite Rubule,Imants Strads主演,马蒂斯·卡扎导演的《求票记》/原名《Vienu biļeti, lūdzu!》/又名《One Ticket Please》纪录片 电影在线观看完整版,《求票记》百度云网盘资源以及《求票记》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《求票记》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:A 78-year-old Indian woman in New York is the world's most passionate theatergoer. Nicki Cochrane been going to at least one play every day for more than 25 years. Always taking along her large bags, Nicki is ready to fight for a free seat at any show that's worth her time. She has developed an array of ingenious means by which she acquires free tickets to most New York theaters. When small talk with the box office managers doesn't doesn't get her a free ticket, Nicki stands outside the theater entrance, holding a sign which says "One Ticket Please" hoping that a stranger will have an extra ticket to spare. Disliked by theater staff for her behavior, Nicki prides herself with a staunch dedication to the art. But at what point does dedication turn into addiction? As Nicki rushes around Manhattan from one theatre to the next, we find out about her personality and the choices she has made in order to make a life at the theatre possible.





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