407航班407 เที่ยวบินผี(2012)

6.0 还行

分类:恐怖  地区:泰国  年份:2012 

主演:Marsha Wattanapanich 彼得·奈特 Paramej Noiam Paramej Noiam 乔纳森·萨姆森 Jonathan Samson Sisangian Sihalath Namo Tongkumnerd Patcharee Tubthong 

导演:Isara Nadee / Kongkiat Khomsiri

Kongkiat Khomsiri

2012-04-03(中国台湾) / 2012-04-19(中国香港) / 2012-03-22(泰国)泰语



米诺视频为您提供2012年由Marsha Wattanapanich,彼得·奈特,Paramej Noiam,Paramej Noiam,乔纳森·萨姆森,Jonathan Samson,Sisangian Sihalath,Namo Tongkumnerd,Patcharee Tubthong主演,Isara Nadee导演的《407航班》/原名《407 เที่ยวบินผี》/又名《阴魂吓机(港) / 鬼机NO.8(台) / 夜航惊魂 / 黑暗航班 / 407猛鬼航班 / Dark Flight 407》恐怖 电影在线观看完整版,《407航班》百度云网盘资源以及《407航班》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《407航班》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Ten years ago a young air hostess, New insists that a vengeful spirit caused the plane to crash, but her belief unsettled those around her and she had to go through psycho-therapy. Now the woman is ready to fly again. But on her first flight, New is struck by a disturbing feeling of Déjà vu. The plane on which she's working looks familiar, and New realizes that it's actually the same aircraft that crashed ten years ago, though it has been repaired and repainted. New is gripped by terror, but there's nothing she can do because the plane has already taken off, along with the same vengeful spirits that reside in it. Up in the air, the passengers on her plane start to die one at a time & the spirits are determined to take her life this time...





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