极速前进:加拿大版 第五季The Amazing Race Canada(2017)

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分类:真人秀  地区:加拿大  年份:2017 

主演:Jon Montgomery Sam Lambert Paul Mitskopoulos Aaron Baker Deb Baker Megan Burden Adam Cavaleri Andrea Cavaleri Andrea Croxen Shabbir Dhalla Zed Dhalla Dan Kipnis Ivana Krunic Ryan Lachapelle Riya Malik Kenneth McAlpine Bert Richards Karen Richards Ebonie Roberge Courtney Roberts Korey Sam 

导演:Rob Brunner / 




米诺视频为您提供2017年由Jon Montgomery,Sam Lambert,Paul Mitskopoulos,Aaron Baker,Deb Baker,Megan Burden,Adam Cavaleri,Andrea Cavaleri,Andrea Croxen,Shabbir Dhalla,Zed Dhalla,Dan Kipnis,Ivana Krunic,Ryan Lachapelle,Riya Malik,Kenneth McAlpine,Bert Richards,Karen Richards,Ebonie Roberge,Courtney Roberts,Korey Sam主演,Rob Brunner导演的《极速前进:加拿大版 第五季》/原名《The Amazing Race Canada》真人秀 电影在线观看完整版,《极速前进:加拿大版 第五季》百度云网盘资源以及《极速前进:加拿大版 第五季》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《极速前进:加拿大版 第五季》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Teams must decipher a Morse code message in St. John's pointing them to a destination in British Columbia. One team takes a penalty rather than spend time on the task. Once on the west coast teams find a clue at the Capilano Suspension Bridge that takes them into downtown Vancouver where one team member must navigate a high wire to get their next clue, which is either "Paddle or Pedal." Paddle is a challenge of navigating a long boat through a course in False Bay, while pedal is bicycle polo. Finishing these tasks teams race to the Van Duesen Gardens to the pit stop, where the team that took the penalty must wait two hours to check in.

极速前进:加拿大版 第五季:章节剧情




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