Un aller simple(2001)

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分类:剧情 喜剧  地区:法国  年份:2001 

主演:雅克·维列雷 芭芭拉·舒尔茨 洛兰特·道驰 

导演:劳伦特·海纳曼 / 




米诺视频为您提供2001年由雅克·维列雷,芭芭拉·舒尔茨,洛兰特·道驰主演,劳伦特·海纳曼导演的《Un aller simple》/原名《》剧情 喜剧 电影在线观看完整版,《Un aller simple》百度云网盘资源以及《Un aller simple》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Un aller simple》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:I am a civil servant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. My boss, Loupiac, is having an affair with my wife. I can't take it any longer. I accepted this mission to escape the situation. 'Humanitarian Attaché': I have to take a young clandestine back to his country. He belongs to the tribe of the Grey Men of Irguiz, secluded since prehistoric times in a secret city of the Great Atlas. The kid is amazing. I suspect that his identity papers are fake, that he probably made up this legend. But to believe him is the best way to return him to his home, and it makes me feel good. The power of a legend is unbelievable, once you've decided to believe in it... Being with the kid makes me rediscover life, revive my dreams. And Valérie, the guide he talked me into employing, is about to become the biggest love of my life. Real life now begins...

Un aller simple:章节剧情




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