吉隆坡特警KL special force(2018)

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分类:动作  地区:马来西亚 Malaysia  年份:2018 

主演:Fattah Amin Rosyam Nor Syamsul Yusof 

导演:Syafiq Yusof / Syafiq Yusof

Syafiq Yusof

2018-03-08(马来西亚)英语 , 马来语 Bahasa Malayu



米诺视频为您提供2018年由Fattah Amin,Rosyam Nor,Syamsul Yusof主演,Syafiq Yusof导演的《吉隆坡特警》/原名《KL special force》动作 电影在线观看完整版,《吉隆坡特警》百度云网盘资源以及《吉隆坡特警》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《吉隆坡特警》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

Tells a story about a group of special police unit force lead by Roslan, who has

Plot Summary:Tells a story about a group of special police unit force lead by Roslan who has been trying to bring down a robbery gang lead by a guy named Asyraff. The gang is called 'Gang Anarchist' and known for their smart plans and tactics in bank robberies to confuse the police. In the same time a young policeman named Zul has been recruited into the special force team. The situation becomes more complicated when Asyraff, the gang leader stared to manipulate the minds of both Roslan and Zul. At the same time, Roslan is facing a problem in his marriage as he finds difficulties in balancing family and work. Zul is having the same problem with fiancé who happens to be daughter of the owner of Damofa Bank, which is the main target by the gang robbers. A dark secret will be revealed when they are on the move for the next heist? Will the special unit force be able to bring down the Asyraff? Everything will be revealed in the action-packed movie "KL Special Force"






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