九三年夏天Estiu 1993(2017)

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分类:剧情 家庭  地区:西班牙  年份:2017 

主演:莱娅·阿蒂加斯 保拉·罗伯斯 布鲁娜·库希 大卫·贝尔达格尔 费米·雷克萨奇 蒙特赛·桑斯 伊莎贝尔·罗卡蒂 贝尔塔·皮珀 埃特纳·坎皮罗 宝拉·布兰科 詹迪·菲格拉斯 

导演:卡拉·西蒙 / 卡拉·西蒙·皮坡 Carla Simon Pipó/瓦伦蒂娜·维索 Valentina Viso

卡拉·西蒙·皮坡 Carla Simon Pipó/瓦伦蒂娜·维索 Valentina Viso

2017-02-11(柏林电影节) / 2017-06-30(西班牙)加泰罗尼亚语



米诺视频为您提供2017年由莱娅·阿蒂加斯,保拉·罗伯斯,布鲁娜·库希,大卫·贝尔达格尔,费米·雷克萨奇,蒙特赛·桑斯,伊莎贝尔·罗卡蒂,贝尔塔·皮珀,埃特纳·坎皮罗,宝拉·布兰科,詹迪·菲格拉斯主演,卡拉·西蒙导演的《九三年夏天》/原名《Estiu 1993》/又名《那年夏天,阳光灿烂(港) / 夏日1993(台) / 九三夏天 / 九三年之夏 / 九三之夏 / Verano 1993 / Summer 1993》剧情 家庭 电影在线观看完整版,《九三年夏天》百度云网盘资源以及《九三年夏天》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《九三年夏天》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

故事发生在1993年的夏天,女孩弗里达(莱娅·阿蒂加斯 Laia Artigas 饰)的母亲因病不幸去世,留下可怜的小姑娘无人照顾。弗里达的舅舅埃斯特维(大卫·

Plot Summary:In the Summer of 1993, Frida, a six-year-old little girl, leaves Barcelona and her grandparents for the countryside. After her father, her mother has just died of a mysterious illness. Taken in by her uncle Esteve and aunt Marga, Frida discovers her new environment, an old stone farmhouse in a mountainous area close to a dense forest. Her new "parents" prove friendly. Another good point is that they have a three-year old daughter named Anna who can become a playmate. For another child less disturbed than miserable uprooted Frida, this would be the most idyllic of stays, in other words a permanent vacation. But Frida IS disturbed and if there are undeniably good times at her new "home", there is also the unexpressed pain which makes her both feel sad and behave badly. Will Frida overcome her troubles ? Only the end of Summer will tell.






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