心灵的冒险A Hazard of Hearts(1987)

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分类:剧情 爱情  地区:英国  年份:1987 

主演:黛安娜·里格 爱德华·福克斯 海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 马库斯·吉尔伯特 

导演:约翰·霍克 / Barbara Cartland/Terence Feely

Barbara Cartland/Terence Feely




米诺视频为您提供1987年由黛安娜·里格,爱德华·福克斯,海伦娜·伯翰·卡特,马库斯·吉尔伯特主演,约翰·霍克导演的《心灵的冒险》/原名《A Hazard of Hearts》/又名《山庄奇缘》剧情 爱情 电影在线观看完整版,《心灵的冒险》百度云网盘资源以及《心灵的冒险》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《心灵的冒险》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

斯坦福爵士(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)嗜赌如命,在全部家产挥霍殆尽之后,丧心病狂的斯坦福竟然将自己的小女儿萨瑞娜(海伦娜·

Plot Summary:When compulsive gambler Sir Giles Staverley has lost his estate and all his money playing dice, he realises that he only has one thing left of value: his daughter Serena. In a final game, he stakes his daughter's hand in marriage, convinced that this time he will not lose. Unfortunately, however, he does lose; to the evil Lord Wrotham. Unable to return home and tell his daughter that he has lost her in a game of dice, Sir Giles kills himself there and then. Lord Vulcan, who has witnessed the events, takes pity on Serena Staverley, although they have never met. He challenges Lord Wrotham to a game of dice in which the winner takes both Staverley Court and Miss Serena. Lord Vulcan wins and simply pleased that he has saved someone from the nasty Wrotham, he thinks no more about the event. One evening, however, Vulcan's friend Lord Peter Gillingham insists upon them going to Staverley Court to take a look at Vulcan's "prize." When arriving there, Vulcan finds Serena Staverley more beautiful than he ever imagined.






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