性女暴力日记Thriller - en grym film(1974)

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原名:Thriller - en grym film又名:暴力日记 / They Call Her One Eye

分类:惊悚 恐怖  地区:瑞典  年份:1974 

主演:克里斯蒂娜·林德伯格 Heinz Hopf Despina Tomazani 

导演:博·阿内·威贝涅斯 / 





米诺视频为您提供1974年由克里斯蒂娜·林德伯格,Heinz Hopf,Despina Tomazani主演,博·阿内·威贝涅斯导演的《性女暴力日记》/原名《Thriller - en grym film》/又名《暴力日记 / They Call Her One Eye》惊悚 恐怖 电影在线观看完整版,《性女暴力日记》百度云网盘资源以及《性女暴力日记》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《性女暴力日记》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

因为童年时期的悲惨遭遇,玛德琳(克里斯蒂娜·林德伯格 Christina Lindberg 饰)失去了说话的能力,长大后,她一直生活在一个偏僻的农场中,离群索居

Plot Summary:Frigga lives with her parents on their farm. Unable to speak after being horrifically raped by an elderly man when she was young, her parents spend the majority of their money on speech therapy classes for their daughter in the hope that one day, she will speak again. One day, Frigga misses the bus to get to her speech therapy class. She accepts a ride off a suave looking gentlemen named Tony who pulls up beside her. Once they are in town, he takes her for a meal. Afterwards, he takes Frigga back to what appears to be his bachelor pad. He gives her wine that has probably been drugged, as she passes out after drinking it. The man then takes no time in bringing a crooked doctor in to get her fixed on high class heroin. After announcing to Frigga that she is now dependent on heroin and cannot last more than 48 hours without it, she must work as a prostitute for him. Frigga, obviously not thrilled by this news, attempts escape twice, but to no avail. On getting her very first client, she reacts by scratching down his face. Tony punishes her for this by removing an eye (the infamous supposed cadaver eye scene). Having found out that Tony sent a fake letter to her parents announcing in it that she hates her parents, Frigga makes her way home one Monday (her day off) only to discover that they have both apparently suicided from the lost of their only daughter. After this and the death of her friend and fellow prostitute Sally, Frigga seeks revenge on those who have wronged her, namely Tony and her clients. She spends her Mondays learning martial arts, buggy driving and shooting in order to suitably equip herself to take on the villians in her life. One of the blueprints as to why Tarantino's Kill Bill films exist, this film is an essential in the femme fatale revenge genre.





日期 资源名称
2022-10-05 thriller.a.cruel.picture.1973.swedish.1080p.bluray
日期 资源名称
2022-10-05 thriller.a.cruel.picture.1973.swedish.2160p.bluray
2022-10-05 thriller.a.cruel.picture.1973.swedish.720p.bluray.


日期 资源名称
2022-08-05 性女暴力日记.Thriller.A.Cruel.Picture.1974.USA.Blu-ray.1
2022-07-11 性女暴力日记.[匹配4K蓝光].Thriller.A.Cruel.Picture.1973.SWED


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