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原名:일지매又名:一支梅 / Iljimae

分类:剧情 动作 历史  地区:韩国  年份:2008 

主演:李准基 韩孝周 李英雅 朴施厚 李文植 金雷夏 延俊锡 吕珍九 金裕贞 申东宇 

导演:李容硕 / 





米诺视频为您提供2008年由李准基,韩孝周,李英雅,朴施厚,李文植,金雷夏,延俊锡,吕珍九,金裕贞,申东宇主演,李容硕导演的《一枝梅》/原名《일지매》/又名《一支梅 / Iljimae》剧情 动作 历史 影视在线观看完整版,《一枝梅》百度云网盘资源以及《一枝梅》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《一枝梅》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Geom is the son of a virtuous nobleman, Lee Won Ho, who is a trustworthy supporter and brother to the king and a central member of the secret organization, Cheonwoohoe, comprised of important nobles and with the king as their leader. He lives peacefully in a house with many plum trees with his wife, daughter, and son. However, a mysterious rumor is spread that he is plotting to overthrow the king. Knowing about this, the king kills Lee Won Ho as he believes that 'two suns cannot exist on the same sky'. Geom witnesses the incident from the inside of a safe where his father hid him. Later, he is saved and adopted by a retired thief, Seo Dol, after he becomes stricken with amnesia due to the shock of losing his father and being forced to throw a rock at his mother's head to prove that he was not the son. 13 years later, Geom, who was renamed Ryung by Seo Dol, starts to regain his memories and begins to search for his older sister, Yeon, only to see her being sentenced and hanged. The murder of his older sister leaves Geom seeking revenge. With the emblem on the killer's sword he remembers from 13 years ago his only clue, he swears that he will find the one who killed his father and murdered his older sister. To find the sword and its owner, he disguises himself as Iljimae and breaks into the nobles' estates. During the course of his actions, he winds up fighting not only for himself, but also for the people. And so he becomes a fighter for the common people, jumping into action whenever the people are oppressed and wrongly exploited for the sake of the nobles, although at the core of his motives his desire to bring the person who ruined his life and his family to justice burns bright.



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [www.HD.gg]怪侠一枝梅[全30集]SZTV Guai Xia Yi Zhi Mei Com
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅全集【720p高清】
日期 资源名称
2021-08-25 【480p标清中文字幕】一枝梅迅雷下载.2008.5.22gb.torrent
2019-05-11 Iljimae (2008)
2019-05-11 2008 일지매
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅
2019-05-11 怪俠一枝梅
2019-05-11 一枝梅
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅
2019-05-11 [韓劇]一枝梅
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅
2019-05-11 一枝梅
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅
2019-05-11 怪侠一枝梅
2019-05-11 一枝梅
2019-05-11 www.tskscn.com - TSGQ - (一枝梅)


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 一枝梅.E01-E20.720P.zip
2021-05-21 2008-3.一枝梅.全20集.情-MOOHAN.chs.srt.rar
2021-05-21 一枝梅 IljiMae.e01-e10.SBS.080521.HDTV.x264.720p-WoN.
2021-05-12 一枝梅.E01-E20.zip
2021-05-11 一枝梅.E01-E20.zip
2019-05-12 一枝梅.E01-E20.720P.zip
2019-05-12 2008-3.一枝梅.全20集.情-MOOHAN.chs.srt.rar
2019-05-12 一枝梅 IljiMae.e01-e10.SBS.080521.HDTV.x264.720p-WoN.


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