Plot Summary:Kai Kai and Jia Jia are two of China's precious pandas. The species is shrinking fast, unless they can get them to breed. But pandas only have a two to three day window of opportunity in the entire year to mate. Now Singapore thinks it can help bring these bears back from the brink. To pull it off, they want to build an 8.6 million dollar luxury love shack on a tropical island, fly Jia Jia and Kai Kai 3,000 km away from their homes, coax them into producing a new baby panda and raise awareness about these endangered bears. But it's not going to be easy: tight construction deadlines and coordinating a huge move are only the beginning. A team from the Singapore River Safari must head to China on a crash course in panda care - their diets, behavior and complex breeding procedures. But before they can do that, they have to learn to get along with them. And there's an even bigger challenge waiting back home: pandas' mating season is believed to be triggered by a change in temperature - and...
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