The Padre's Strategy(1913)

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分类:未知 地区:美国  年份:1913 


导演:威尔伯特·梅尔维尔 / 





米诺视频为您提供1913年由未知主演,威尔伯特·梅尔维尔导演的《The Padre's Strategy》/原名《》未知电影在线观看完整版,《The Padre's Strategy》百度云网盘资源以及《The Padre's Strategy》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《The Padre's Strategy》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Ramona Martinez, a beautiful Mexican flower girl, is the support of her widowed mother. One day, while out gathering flowers for her basket, she meets a young Mexican youth and they are mutually attracted with each other. In time the acquaintance ripens into love, Manuel Vasquez, the leader of a band of Mexican guerrillas, comes to the city one night and enters a café where many of the army officers and better class of Mexicans are enjoying themselves. During the evening, Ramona enters the café to sell her flowers. She passes from table to table and finally conies to where Vasquez is seated. He speaks to her hut she repulses him. He leaves the café and calls his lieutenant and one of his band, and tells them that they shall get the girl and bring her to him. They go to the café, and as the girl leaves she is overpowered and carried away by the bandits. Jose, who is coming to meet her and take her home, sees the abduction, but is too late to be of any service. He enters the café and tells of Ramona's trouble. The habitués of the place are not interested in the flower girl and his appeal for aid is unheeded. He then decides to go to the priest and ask for aid. He does so, and while there a messenger comes from the bandit, asking that the Padre accompany the messenger into the mountains to perform a marriage ceremony. The Padre hits upon a plan whereby they can rescue Ramona, and he gives Jose a priest's robe, and they arm themselves. They then accompany the messenger to the stronghold of the bandits. As the ceremony is about to be performed the Padre and Jose suddenly draw the guns and overpower the two bandits and bind them. The Padre and Ramona then leave the camp, she, dressed as a priest, goes for aid, for Jose has been captured. They take two of the bandit's horses and start for the city. Arriving there, they go for the cavalry, who immediately set out for the rendezvous. They surprise the bandits and capture the entire band. As they are led away, Jose and Ramona kneel and receive the blessings of the Padre.




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