隐剑鬼爪隠し剣 鬼の爪(2004)

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原名:隠し剣 鬼の爪又名:The Hidden Blade

分类:剧情 爱情  地区:日本  年份:2004 

主演:永濑正敏 松隆子 吉冈秀隆 小泽征悦 田畑智子 倍赏千惠子 田中邦卫 绫田俊树 神户浩 光本幸子 高岛礼子 前田淳 赤冢真人 小市慢太郎 北山雅康 松田洋治 松野太纪 近藤公园 香川耕二 笹野高史 田中泯 小林稔侍 绪形拳 

导演:山田洋次 / 





米诺视频为您提供2004年由永濑正敏,松隆子,吉冈秀隆,小泽征悦,田畑智子,倍赏千惠子,田中邦卫,绫田俊树,神户浩,光本幸子,高岛礼子,前田淳,赤冢真人,小市慢太郎,北山雅康,松田洋治,松野太纪,近藤公园,香川耕二,笹野高史,田中泯,小林稔侍,绪形拳主演,山田洋次导演的《隐剑鬼爪》/原名《隠し剣 鬼の爪》/又名《The Hidden Blade》剧情 爱情 电影在线观看完整版,《隐剑鬼爪》百度云网盘资源以及《隐剑鬼爪》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《隐剑鬼爪》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

时值德川幕府末期,海坂藩的下级武士片桐宗藏(永濑正敏 饰)和母亲(倍赏千惠子 饰)、妹妹志乃(田畑智子 饰),以及女佣希惠(松隆子 饰)过着清贫但安乐的生活。母

Plot Summary:During the time of change of the mid-19th Century, Yaichiro is bid farewell by his fellow samurai friends Munezo and Samon as he leaves their clan's fiefdom on the northwest coast of Japan (Unasaka) to take an important position within the shogunate in far away Edo. Munezo has lived modestly with his mother and sister Shino after his father was forced into suicide after the failure of a bridge project. Kie, a farm girl serves them as a maid in their house. As time passes, Munezo's sister marries Samon, his mother dies, Kie is married into a merchant family, and he is required to learn western methods of warfare such as the use of artillery and firearms from an official sent from Edo. Learning that Kie is ill due to abuse, he rescues her from her husband's family. Although sharing mutual affection and respect, a marriage between Munezo and Kie is still impossible due to different castes, and when he, now a bachelor, is criticized for her serving in his house, Munezo sends her back to her father's farm. After being caught in a failed political intrigue, Yaichiro is sent home in disgrace and imprisoned in solitary confinement. After Yaichiro escapes, Munezo is ordered to prove his innocence from complicity by killing his old friend, and he seeks the help of his old teacher, the sword master Kansai Toda. Although Yaichiro had been the better swordsman when they studied together, Toda entrusted the secret of the "Hidden Blade" only to Munezo. Toda now teaches him a new technique to use as he prepares to face Yaichiro, who has taken hostages in a farm house.



日期 资源名称
2022-07-14 the.hidden.blade.2004.bluray.1080p.x265.10bit-mini
2019-10-20 The.Hidden.Blade.2004.JAPANESE.1080p.BluRay.H264.A
2019-05-11 The.Hidden.Blade.2004.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-EPiC
2019-05-11 The.Hidden.Blade.2004.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-EPiC
2019-05-11 The.Hidden.Blade.2004.1080p.Blu-ray.Remux.AVC.True
日期 资源名称
2019-10-09 the.hidden.blade.2004.japanese.1080p.bluray.x264.d
日期 资源名称
2021-07-16 隐剑鬼爪[中文字幕][email protected]com 16.84gb
2019-10-20 The.Hidden.Blade.2004.JAPANESE.BRRip.XviD.MP3-VXT
2019-05-11 The Hidden Blade (2004).mp4
2019-05-11 The Hidden Blade (2004)
2019-05-11 숨겨진 검 (The.Hidden.Blade, 2004) 2CD
2019-05-11 Yoji Yamada Samurai Trilogy Twilight Samurai, The
2019-05-11 The Hidden Blade.avi
2019-05-11 The Hidden Blade.flv
2019-05-11 The.Hidden.Blade[XviD][DVDRip][EngHardSub]
2019-05-11 The.Hidden.Blade.DVD.XviD.AC3.[www.DivxtotaL.CoM]
2019-05-11 The Hidden Blade
2019-05-11 Yoji Yamada Samurai Trilogy Twilight Samurai, The
2019-05-11 隐剑鬼爪
2019-05-11 [TVBT]隐剑鬼爪[DVD2RMVB][Encoded & seeded by 冰冰]
2019-05-11 The.Hidden.Blade.CVCD.V.O.Sub.Spanish WWW.ZonaKXvi
2019-05-11 The Hidden Blade AC3Spanish
2019-05-11 The Hidden Blade (2004) Japanese
2019-05-11 The Hidden Blade (La Espada Oculta)[dual-span-jap]
2019-05-10 The.Hidden.Blade.DVDRip.XviD-TLF


日期 资源名称
2023-08-04 [隐剑鬼爪].The.Hidden.Blade.2004.JAPANESE.1080p.BluRay
2021-05-21 The.Hidden.Blade.2004.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-EbP.m
2019-05-12 The.Hidden.Blade.2004.720p.BluRay.DD5.1.x264-EbP.m


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