钢之炼金术师FA鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST(2009)

6.0 还行

原名:鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST又名:钢之炼金术师 BROTHERHOOD / 钢之炼金术师2009

分类:剧情 动作 动画 奇幻 冒险  地区:日本  年份:2009 

主演:朴璐美 钉宫理惠 高本惠 三木真一郎 折笠富美子 宫野真守 水树奈奈 三宅健太 内海贤二 小山茉美 津田匠子 后藤麻衣 石冢运升 浪川大辅 上田祐司 滨田贤二 木内秀信 泽海阳子 藤原启治 吉野裕行 井上喜久子 高山南 中村悠一 三瓶由布子 名塚佳织 

导演:入江泰浩 / 博史池畠 / 三宅和男 / 池添隆博 / 佐藤育郎 / 筑紫大介 / 石田畅 / 矢吹勉 / 宫原秀二 / 佐藤清光 / 荻原露光 / 末田宜史 / 清水久敏 / 内田信吾 / 山崎隆 / 园田雅裕 / 小山田桂子 / 上田繁 / 友永和秀 / 





米诺视频为您提供2009年由朴璐美,钉宫理惠,高本惠,三木真一郎,折笠富美子,宫野真守,水树奈奈,三宅健太,内海贤二,小山茉美,津田匠子,后藤麻衣,石冢运升,浪川大辅,上田祐司,滨田贤二,木内秀信,泽海阳子,藤原启治,吉野裕行,井上喜久子,高山南,中村悠一,三瓶由布子,名塚佳织主演,入江泰浩,博史池畠,三宅和男,池添隆博,佐藤育郎,筑紫大介,石田畅,矢吹勉,宫原秀二,佐藤清光,荻原露光,末田宜史,清水久敏,内田信吾,山崎隆,园田雅裕,小山田桂子,上田繁,友永和秀导演的《钢之炼金术师FA》/原名《鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST》/又名《钢之炼金术师 BROTHERHOOD / 钢之炼金术师2009》剧情 动作 动画 奇幻 冒险 电影在线观看完整版,《钢之炼金术师FA》百度云网盘资源以及《钢之炼金术师FA》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《钢之炼金术师FA》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Two brothers lose their mother to an incurable disease. With the power of "alchemy", they use taboo knowledge to resurrect her. The process fails, and as a toll for using this type of alchemy, the older brother, Edward Elric loses his left leg while the younger brother, Alphonse Elric loses his entire body. To save his brother, Edward sacrifices his right arm and is able to affix his brother's soul to a suit of armor. With the help of a family friend, Edward receives metal limbs - "automail" - to replace his lost ones. With that, Edward vows to search for the Philosopher's Stone to return the brothers to their original bodies, even if it means becoming a "State Alchemist", one who uses his/her alchemy for the military.





日期 资源名称
2022-08-03 [诸神字幕组][钢之炼金术师fa][1-64完][中日双字幕].mp4
2022-08-03 钢之炼金术师剧场版.香巴拉的征服者.fullmetal.alchemist.movie.conque
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