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原名:異人たちとの夏又名:和幽灵在一起的夏日 / 与幽灵同在的夏日 / 与异人们共处的夏天 / The Discarnates / Summer Among the Zombies / Ijintachi tono natsu

分类:剧情 奇幻  地区:日本  年份:1988 

主演:风间杜夫 秋吉久美子 片冈鹤太郎 永岛敏行 名取裕子 本多猪四郎 峰岸彻 笹野高史 竹内力 

导演:大林宣彦 / 





米诺视频为您提供1988年由风间杜夫,秋吉久美子,片冈鹤太郎,永岛敏行,名取裕子,本多猪四郎,峰岸彻,笹野高史,竹内力主演,大林宣彦导演的《幽异仲夏》/原名《異人たちとの夏》/又名《和幽灵在一起的夏日 / 与幽灵同在的夏日 / 与异人们共处的夏天 / The Discarnates / Summer Among the Zombies / Ijintachi tono natsu》剧情 奇幻 电影在线观看完整版,《幽异仲夏》百度云网盘资源以及《幽异仲夏》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《幽异仲夏》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Harada is a successful scenario writer, and his best buddy has just announced an intention to propose to Harada's ex-wife. Recovering from the shock, Harada indulges in melancholy, mainly on his failure as a husband and father, and goes to a 'Rakugo' (sit-down comedy) show, where a friendly man in the audience invites him home. Harada is puzzled at the strong resemblance of this man and his wife to his own parents, who were killed nearly 30 years ago when he was twelve. He visits the couple repeatedly, and greatly enjoys the happy atmosphere there, which was much like his childhood, and such a contrast to his current existence, which is lonely and tortured. But he is no longer alone. The same night his buddy confessed, Harada was visited by Kei, a beautiful woman from the third floor, who is also the only other occupant of their apartment building. She offers champagne and company. Furious with women, he rudely rebuffs her, but she persists, and he later invites her in. That they become lovers is no surprise, but she manages to hold an air of mystery. Despite making enthusiastic love, she never allows him to see her breasts, explaining that she has a terrible scar from a burn. Harada becomes increasingly agitated about the unreality of the visits with his parents, and he notices in a mirror that his face is becoming zombie-like. Dark rings under the eyes, a white-ish tone to his skin, and a haggard look. Kei sees it too, and warns him to stop visiting the parents. She warns that they are ghosts and they are feeding off his life force...



日期 资源名称
2022-08-11 磁力链幽异仲夏.1988.bd1080p.中文字幕.mp4
2021-09-01 The.Discarnates.1988.JAPANESE.1080p.BluRay.H264.AA
2021-09-01 The.Discarnates.1988.JAPANESE.1080p.BluRay.x264.FL
日期 资源名称
2022-05-17 The.Discarnates.1988.JAPANESE.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC
2019-05-11 与幽灵同在的夏天.Summer.Among.the.Zombies.1988.WEB-DL.Mini
日期 资源名称
2022-05-17 The.Discarnates.1988.JAPANESE.BRRip.XviD.MP3-VXT
2019-05-12 Ijintachi.Tono.Natsu.JAP.1988.DVDRip
2019-05-11 幽异仲夏 1988 日语中字£CMCT梦幻
2019-05-11 Summer Among the Zombies 1988 DVDRip [Allzine]



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