以误会和猜疑为主题的青春浪漫喜剧,剧情在悬疑中不乏娱笑效果。托马斯.豪威尔饰演一名高中生,某日收到一封署名“神秘的仰慕者"写来的情书,他和同学都猜测是校花凯利.普雷斯顿所写,实际却是暗恋他的另一个女生罗莉克林。另一方面,这封情书无意中掉落,被男孩的母亲捡去,她一口咬定是丈夫的情妇所写,因此也闹出连串的纠纷。导演大卫.格林华特以年轻的爽朗气息推展这个剧情有如骨牌效应的多角关系故事,相当流畅自然,一群年轻演员的表现也甚为讨好。On the last day before summer vacations Michael receives a glowing, but anonymous, love-letter. He suspects, or better: hopes, it's from Deborah, the girl he's after since a while, but who dates college students only. However she shows him a cold shoulder again. So his and her best friend Toni advises him to write her an anonymous letter in return. However these letters get in the wrong hands and cause lots of confusion in their families, until it's revealed, who wrote which letter to whom.下载电影就来米诺视频,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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