泰酷伯是美国最著名的棒球运动员,有着极富传奇色彩的一生。在他晚年的时候,想找个人替他写传记。一名小有成就的体育专栏作家荣幸地被选中了。他开着车冒着大雪来到泰考伯在山中的住宅,但他立即便发现这个老头可没他想象得那么伟大。昔日的球坛英雄已经变成一个性格暴躁、行为怪异的老人了,他可能立刻就会成为下一名被赶出这山庄的作家,但泰酷伯从小养成的不服输的勇气和意志也深深地打动了他。两人在慢慢的接触中成了莫逆之交,他们在一起共同追忆伟大的棒球运动员传奇的一生……Al Stump is a famous sports-writer chosen by Ty Cobb to co-write his official, authorized 'autobiography' before his death. Cobb, widely feared and despised, feels misunderstood and wants to set the record straight about 'the greatest ball-player ever,' in his words. However, when Stump spends time with Cobb, interviewing him and beginning to write, he realizes that the general public opinion is largely correct. In Stump's presence, Cobb is angry, violent, racist, misogynistic, and incorrigibly abusive to everyone around him. Torn between printing the truth by plumbing the depths of Cobb's dark soul and grim childhood, and succumbing to Cobb's pressure for a whitewash of his character and a simple baseball tale of his greatness, Stump writes two different books. One book is for Cobb, the other for the public.下载电影就来米诺视频,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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