A mixed race family with an adopted Chinese girl. 以开茶叶店的白人男主的视角讲述一个“cultural techno”杨的故事。元素很多:sci-fi, memory/experience, father/son. Is this Orientalism? NOT JUST a techno programmed to share Chinese fun facts, but still in service of a sense of bourgeois identity?
影片打开了不错的讨论空间。杨奇妙地缝合了多重身份:a caretaker who performs affective labor suturing the crack in the family (busy wife and adopted daughter), a storage space for lost memory (make it available for nostalgic gaze), an innocent boyish eye legitimating the male protagonist's voice, solving his middle-aged crisis. 杨陪男主人回忆往昔,为女主人做蝴蝶的百科全书式介绍(ps原话老庄没说过),为女孩弥合与家庭的裂缝。很美好,也很被动。They replayed Yang's memory; his prehistory, consume him in the name of care.
What makes his Chineseness? 电影不断引用道家,end is beginning; there's no something without nothing." 有无相生。Did Yang cross the binary between human/techno, or is he trapped in the role of other? 影片仿佛站在一个东西方文化contact zone (its interiorized middle-class US family ver.)的裂缝边上,杨依然在深渊里。
另,文化和科技能否融合到一起,这是否可以算是一个Asian scifi? 还需另想。
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