
6.0 还行

分类:剧情 家庭  地区:中国台湾  年份:2019 

主演:吕雪凤 李梦 阳靓 张晓雄 林郁璋 李英铨 刘承恩 苏俊忠 李鸿其 郑人硕 李幼鹦鹉鹌鹑小白文鸟 李烈 邱志宇 吴美和 

导演:张作骥 / 

2019-11-15(中国台湾) / 2019-11-07(台北金马影展)汉语普通话 , 闽南语



米诺视频为您提供2019年由吕雪凤,李梦,阳靓,张晓雄,林郁璋,李英铨,刘承恩,苏俊忠,李鸿其,郑人硕,李幼鹦鹉鹌鹑小白文鸟,李烈,邱志宇,吴美和主演,张作骥导演的《那个我最亲爱的陌生人》/原名《那個我最親愛的陌生人》/又名《The Beloved Stranger / Synapses》剧情 家庭 电影在线观看完整版,《那个我最亲爱的陌生人》百度云网盘资源以及《那个我最亲爱的陌生人》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《那个我最亲爱的陌生人》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

绿树成荫,夏雨淋漓,小学生阿全的暑假作业是要观察鸡蛋的孵化,而他的家庭似乎也面临着变化:在成长过程当中缺席的母亲才从监狱假释,又回头去找当初要她顶罪的男友, 令

Plot Summary:There are many problems in the Zhang family, but one eventful summer changes many things. Zhang Junxiong is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and that weighs heavily on his wife Wang Feng and the rest of the family. Zhang's daughter Xiao Meng is released on parole from a long prison term and struggles to reconnect with her illegitimate son Ah Chuan and her ex-boyfriend Ah Wen. A domestic crisis is narrowly averted when Zhang reconnects with his former aide-de-camp Cheng'en, a man for whom he has always harboured tender feelings. Paradoxically, the incident which does most to heal the family's wounds is the assassination of Ah Wen by a gangland rival. The Zhangs move to a new and better home. The young Ah Chuan is left pondering the meaning and value of memories.




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