家族的诞生가족의 탄생(2006)

6.0 还行

分类:剧情  地区:韩国  年份:2006 

主演:文素丽 高斗心 严泰雄 孔晓振 金惠玉 奉太奎 郑有美 朱进模 金花雨 金东英 柳昇范 禹贤 李恩静 曹熙奉 

导演:金泰勇 / 金泰勇 Tae-Yong Kim

金泰勇 Tae-Yong Kim




米诺视频为您提供2006年由文素丽,高斗心,严泰雄,孔晓振,金惠玉,奉太奎,郑有美,朱进模,金花雨,金东英,柳昇范,禹贤,李恩静,曹熙奉主演,金泰勇导演的《家族的诞生》/原名《가족의 탄생》/又名《Family Ties》剧情 电影在线观看完整版,《家族的诞生》百度云网盘资源以及《家族的诞生》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《家族的诞生》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Mira is a shy, single woman who runs a small restaurant and tends her plants with love and care. Her life is thrown into mayhem when her brother Hyung Chul, shows up out of the blue after five years' absence, some of them spent in jail. Hyung-chul not only settles down at Mira's place but is soon joined by his new wife, Mu-Shin, a much older woman who smokes like a chimney - and Mira's a non-smoker. As if the house wasn't crowded enough, Mu-shin's young stepdaughter knocks at Mira's door one fine day, and moves in. The film's second part centers on Sun Kyung, who discovers that her mother - with whom she has a terribly difficult relationship - is seriously ill. Unhappy about her life, Sun Kyung decides to leave the country, but her plan is disrupted by her mother's death and by the presence of Kyung-Suk, her half-brother. Like threads neatly woven into the fine tapestry of a vivid family portrait, the intertwined lives of these characters come together years later in the third section...




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