

米诺视频为您提供2011年由畠中祐,入野自由,增田俊树,内山昂辉,小松未可子,岛田真,金田晶,小林优,村田太志,持月玲依,潘惠美,日野聪,宫原永海,谷育子,三上市朗,宫岛依里,池田恭祐,细谷佳正,山本匠马,国立幸,根本泰彦,小川真司,小杉十郎太,四宫豪,深水由美,三瓶由布子,前野智昭,滨田贤二,合田绘利,高口公介,比上孝浩,大河元气,平川大辅,壤晴彦,宫本充主演,桑原智,武藤公春,政木伸一,细川秀树,德本善信,茉田哲明,柳濑雄之,牧野吉高,青柳宏宜,高田昌宏,铃木卓夫,池田重隆,向井雅浩,濑藤健嗣,山本隆太,濑谷新二,羽原久美子,小平麻纪,玉田博,所俊克,黑田晃一郎,望月敬一郎导演的《游戏王ZEXAL》/原名《遊☆戯☆王ZEXAL》动画 电影在线观看完整版,《游戏王ZEXAL》百度云网盘资源以及《游戏王ZEXAL》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《游戏王ZEXAL》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

2010年10周年を迎えたアニメシリーズ「遊☆戯☆王」(原作 / 高橋和希)の最新作『遊☆戯☆王ZEXAL(ゼアル)』が、2011年春よりテレビ東京系列にて、ゴ

Plot Summary:The story takes place in the near future in a city called Heartland. The story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur. One day, during a duel with a school bully, a mysterious spirit called Astral appears before him, and helps him to win. Astral explains to Yuma he is searching for his lost memories, which have been transformed into 99 Xyz Monsters cards called Numbers and have been scattered across the globe. The Numbers have the ability to possess the duelists who own them and bring out their darkest desires. In order to recover his memories, Astral teams up with Yuma in order to recover the Numbers cards. Using the powers of Zexal, the two must compete with Numbers Hunters, who seek to claim the Numbers cards for themselves in order to destroy Astral's homeworld.




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