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原名:Clifford the Big Red Dog又名:赤BIG灵灵狗(港)

分类:喜剧 / 家庭 / 冒险 /  英国   2021 

简介: 影片改编自同名畅销童书《Clifford the Big Red Dog》,讲述



本片改编自欧美Norman Bridwell 家喻户晓同名畅销童话集 Clifford the Big Red Dog。导演 Walt Becker 之前曾经执导过诸如 Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip and Wild Hogs 等片。 ,

故事讲述12岁 小女孩艾米丽和她单亲老妈搬到纽约 Harlem, 万事开头难。。。老妈一直忙于工作,而唯一可以仰仗的老哥 Casey 居无定所。。。。, 艾米丽上的是私立学校,因家贫而不受待见,呃, 小男朋友 Owen在学校也不挺她,艾米丽形单影只、孤立无援。

此时,机缘巧合滴, 小奶狗 Clifford出现在艾米丽的面前。。。。是夜, after a tear touches his face, he becomes a big red dog who draws loads of attention – including from a genetic modifying company named Lyfegro, run by Zac Tieran, who sees Clifford as the potential genetic breakthrough he needs. Thus, he plans to steal the dog from Casey and learn what magic made Clifford grow.…

This film definitely will make you cry if you are sappy like me. It takes on loneliness, Casey feeling like a failure and a disappointment, not to his niece, but to his sister who did so much for him, to the point it will catch you off guard. Add in, despite the wonky CGI we get with Clifford at first, the bigger version is very emotive, and it pushes you to believe maybe seeing a multitude of writers shouldn’t be the red flag it usually is. Rather, it might mean that we get multiple people pouring the best of themselves into a single film collectively.

A colorful comic-style animated opening and bookend hangs a dark cloud over what could have been. I loved both of these moments, heavily coated with a sheen of nostalgia. Why not make an animated Clifford movie for a new generation? Years back, Illumination Entertainment was rejiggering the property; perhaps animation would be the perfect meeting place for the outlandishly bizarre segments. More than anything else, Clifford the Big Red Dog made me want to go snuggle with my doggies, Beth and Mowgli. They may not be comprised of spotty CGI, but the canine love emanating from Clifford is enough to make me appreciate what I do have waiting for me back home.

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