雪之下Unter Schnee(2011)

6.0 还行

分类:纪录片  地区:德国  年份:2011 

主演:Setsuko Arakawa Kiyotsugu Fujima Takamasa Fujima 

导演:乌尔莱克·奥汀格 / 乌尔莱克·奥汀格 Ulrike Ottinger

乌尔莱克·奥汀格 Ulrike Ottinger




米诺视频为您提供2011年由Setsuko Arakawa,Kiyotsugu Fujima,Takamasa Fujima主演,乌尔莱克·奥汀格导演的《雪之下》/原名《Unter Schnee》/又名《Under Snow》纪录片 电影在线观看完整版,《雪之下》百度云网盘资源以及《雪之下》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《雪之下》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In Echigo in Japan the snow often lies several feet deep well into May covering landscape and villages. Over the centuries the inhabitants have organized their lives accordingly. In order to record their very distinctive forms of everyday life, their festivals and religious rituals Ulrike Ottinger journeyed to the mythical snow country - accompanied by two Kabuki performers. Taking the parts of the students Takeo and Mako they follow in the footsteps of Bokushi Suzuki who in the mid-19th century wrote his remarkable book "Snow Country Tales". A beautiful vixen fox leads the two protagonists astray and they undergo a wondrous metamorphosis. As a man and woman of the Edo period they now travel through the past and again and again encounter the present: Temple children build the holy mountain Fuji-san out of snow; a woman weaver, producing flimsy crepe in the icy cold, is haunted by an evil mountain demon; at the festival of the gods of paths and roads the rice straw pyramid with New Years' poems and wishes is burned and the popular ritual of bridegroom throwing takes place. The son of the transformed couple becomes a famous actor. Yet the jealous Emperor banishes him to the gold and silver island of Sado, to whose thousand-year history of exile we owe the saddest and at the same time most beautiful Japanese poems. From the island his longing gaze roams over the ocean. These three elements: Kabuki, poetry and the reality of the Snow Country combine with the music of Yumiko Tanaka to make a visually striking and moving film.





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