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分类:纪录片 /  美国  2007 

简介: 西雅图导演戴佛执导的纪录片《动物园》。此片重现两年前轰动全美的恋兽癖真人真事,参




关于ethics的思考的一个分类上的反思:人类可想的——人类可能(possible and/or capable of)实践的——人类可以容忍的/人类应该做的

Part of the mission accomplished by the film is to allow the voice and narration from the “zoo” people about their experiences and feelings of being zoo. The narratives also take turns occasionally from “I” to “he”“they”, as outsiders nounce their opinions about the practices.

If we trust that they are true about their own feelings (referring here to the fact that “understanding” and “empathy” has its limit), what are our opinions based on our knowledge of the narratives offered by them?

Many of them mention the experience of finding a community on the Internet, and the trust grew from the “deep” connections formed from their sharing and communication.

Here I want to note down personal accounts offered by the zoo people:

· “Have a stronger affinity to species, not of my own kind, but not necessarily exclude care for my fellow humans.”

· “You’re connecting with another intelligent being who is very happy to participate and be involved. You’re not going to be able to ask them about the latest Madonna album. They have no idea what Tolstoy or Keats is. You can’t discuss the difference between Monet and Picasso. That just doesn’t exist in their world…It’s a very intense, wonderful kind of feeling.”

· One woman speaks of many nights spent with the horse when she suffered from cancer, “the time passes so fast, and the night is over before you know it.”

Questions/topics that need further research/classification:

· What are the practices on the farm that offer sexual service between horses and humans?

· Why mention Iraq in the film?

· 关于法律条文defining the act as animal cruelty的怀疑, what is the history/process behind such legitimacy of defining the nature of (and the punishment for) such an action?因为定性这件事本身是暴力的

· 关于私域和公域的讨论

· 关于consent的讨论: is it that we could only understand consent as something that requires full rationality, or are there other possibilities

· (假设limited cases中是一种具有超越性的爱)那么given这种关系不平等的权力结构,关于其余的case中的暴力,关于被滥用的可能性, what are our responsibilities as fellow human-beings who take this responsibility to live both with our human and animal companions?

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