
0.0 很差

分类:剧情 家庭  地区:中国大陆  年份:2015 

主演:张丰毅 颜丙燕 左小青 廖京生 李凤绪 赵峥 高亚麟 闫学晶 一真 刘一诺 萨日娜 

导演:阎建钢 / 




米诺视频为您提供2015年由张丰毅,颜丙燕,左小青,廖京生,李凤绪,赵峥,高亚麟,闫学晶,一真,刘一诺,萨日娜主演,阎建钢导演的《岁月如金》/又名《北京一家人》剧情 家庭 影视在线观看完整版,《岁月如金》百度云网盘资源以及《岁月如金》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《岁月如金》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

北京知青石德宝在东北上山下乡收养了知 青的孩子石方圆,石德宝带着孩子回城后 ,一切重新开始。从一名北京城的公共汽 车司机到售票员、到饭店服务员,后来又 利用自己

Plot Summary:An educated youth Shi Debao adopts a child named Shi Fangyuan when he is in a northeastern village during the Culture Revolution. When Shi Debao returns to city with the child, he has to make a fresh start. He works hard to earn a living working as a bus driver, conductor and waiter. When he fixes furniture in the alleys with the skills he got from family, he impresses the boss of a furniture company by his ability and characteristics. He is then promoted to be the assistant of the manager. Later, with the help of his first girlfriend Luo Xiaoma, Shi Debao registers trademark and starts his business. Shi Debao has three relationships in his life. In his second marriage, he adopts his wife's daughter Qi Shaofei. Shi Debao successfully raises two girls, neither of whom is his biological daughter. One becomes a brave heroine and the other becomes a doctor in countryside. At the award ceremony of touching China, Shi Debao is presented \"Folk Hero\". In the end, Shi Fangyuan establishes a monument in memory of the generation of her father in the village where his father used to live and work.





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