快活Il piacere(1985)

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分类:剧情  地区:意大利  年份:1985 

主演:Andrea Guzon Gabriele Tinti Marco Mattioli Lilli Carati Laura Gemser Dagmar Lassander 

导演:Joe D'Amato / Claudio Fragasso/Nicolas Restif de La Bretonne (novel)

Claudio Fragasso/Nicolas Restif de La Bretonne (novel)

1985-07-31(意大利)意大利语 , 英语



米诺视频为您提供1985年由Andrea Guzon,Gabriele Tinti,Marco Mattioli,Lilli Carati,Laura Gemser,Dagmar Lassander主演,Joe D'Amato导演的《快活》/原名《Il piacere》/又名《The Pleasure》剧情 电影在线观看完整版,《快活》百度云网盘资源以及《快活》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《快活》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Italy in the early 1930s. To the elderly aristocrat Gerard, all that is left of Leonora, the love of his life, are a number of erotic tape recordings. She led a double life as respectable wife and mother of two, and as a whore at the local brothel. Now, after her death, her children Ursula and Edmund pass under the tutelage of Gerard. Having not seen them for many years, he is utterly bewildered by Ursula's uncanny likeness to her mother. While Gerard's mistress Fiorella takes care of Edmund's sexual needs, Ursula follows the last instructions of her mother. In the process, she uses the legacy of her mother's recordings to get into the mindset of her relationship with Gerard. Is Gerard ready to find his lost love Leonora again...in the likeness of her very daughter?





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