政客 第一季

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原名:The Politician又名:大政治家(台) / 凹凸政坛路(港)

分类:喜剧 / 歌舞 /  美国  2019 

简介: 来自加利福尼亚圣巴巴拉的佩顿·霍巴特(本·普拉特饰演)是一名出身富家的学生,他自


政客 第一季影评:It’s a shit tornado full of gold

Your generation got the terrible idea that it was best to vomit every thought and feeling all over each other. it's a pandemic of overcommunication. thats led to an absence of intimacy.
Music gives us the permission to feel.
Because i'll stop at nothing
Great lessons are only learned when the stakes are very high.
The light of light looks on the motive, not the deed. The shadow of shadows looks on the deed alone.
When the stakes get higher,the friendship gets failed.
-Finally. Your life going off the rails is the best thing that could happen to you. Life isn’t a train. It’s a shit tornado full of gold. You don’t have to have a plan. You have to stay clean and grab every gold bar you can.
-How can you stay clean in a shit tornado?
-Well you can’t. And that’s the point. This isn’t the end. This is the beginning.This emptiness is a gift.
It’s just like everything else in life. It’s real when you say it, and you believe it’s true.
-Except with you, your dark side, the part you are trying to hide, is the part that feels things.
-Why do you think i feel everything so much now?when I used to have such a hard time... feeling anything.
-Cause you’ve lost your ambition. When you are a politician, you didn’t have the luxury of having your own feelings. They got in the way of you figuring out the most strategic way of handling things. If it serves the campaign to feel mad or sad or guilty, you did.
-So I have to be a loser to be able to feel things?
-I’m not sure yet.
-The fire in me has gone out. I am done wit politics.
-Do you understand that the reason for all of the drinking and crooning and whining is because that the fire is out? That fire defines you. You are a politician, Payton, a great one. You are rudderless without a campaign.
-I’m scared.
-Of losing? Then don’t be. There’s more honor in defeat than there is in unused potential.
-I like feeling things. It hurts, but I like it, and I’m scared that if I run a new campaign, I’ll just stop being able to feel again.
-Well, there’s no such thing as destiny. Just the men like you, when the world needs them, answer the call.
Money just make the important stuff easy, so that we try and make the unimportant stuff hard, just to make it feels like we are not coasting.

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政客 第一季
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