

米诺视频为您提供2019年由赛巴斯汀·法比杰斯基,Eryk Kulm,娅希米娜·波拉克,Katarzyna Chojnacka,塞巴斯蒂安·波拉克,安杰列·查拉,Zaneta Palica,波利斯·席克,玛塔·祖达,达尼尔·奥勒布里斯基,米哈尔·格鲁津斯基,莫妮卡·涅姆奇克,Michal Wanio,巴托斯基·欧布戳威克斯,维克多·兹波罗夫斯基,Marcin Mroczek,Rafal Mroczek,Wojciech Biedron,Alicja Jachiewicz,Danuta Borsuk,Katarzyna Trzcinska,Tomira Kowalik主演,沙维利·茹瓦夫斯基导演的《鸟儿在言说》/原名《Mowa ptaków》/又名《Bird Talk》剧情 电影在线观看完整版,《鸟儿在言说》百度云网盘资源以及《鸟儿在言说》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《鸟儿在言说》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The script was written by Andrzej Zulawski and is his most contemporary story. It's about Poles and Poland and is concerned with what is happening here and now. It tells the story of brothers, couples and friends, all trying to find a place in contemporary Warsaw. Intellectuals, teachers, musicians and painters, all barely making ends meet, but nevertheless intent on improving their country. The author was unable to make the film, but before his death he passed the script to his son, Xawery Zulawski. The story channels the unrest currently sweeping Poland and Europe. With its depiction of the groundswell of hatred and aggression on the streets and in the media, of people shouting to drown out one another's arguments, and of the virtual civil war bringing a divided society ever closer to its doom.





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