Ian, una historia que nos movilizará(2018)

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分类:动画 短片 儿童  地区:阿根廷  年份:2018 


导演:Abel Goldfarb / 加斯东·古拉里 Gastón Gorali

加斯东·古拉里 Gastón Gorali




米诺视频为您提供2018年由未知主演,Abel Goldfarb导演的《Ian, una historia que nos movilizará》/又名《Ian, a moving story》动画 短片 儿童 电影在线观看完整版,《Ian, una historia que nos movilizará》百度云网盘资源以及《Ian, una historia que nos movilizará》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Ian, una historia que nos movilizará》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Ian was born with cerebral palsy. All he wants is to make friends, although it seems impossible to achieve when discrimination and bullying keep him away from his beloved playground. However, this young boy is determined and won't give up easily. The emotional animated short film shares a story about a boy with a disability called IAN. Ian's mother created IAN foundation to fight against the lack of information and knowledge that often lead people with disabilities to be bullied and isolated. The short Ian rises from the need and goal of this foundation to reach every home with an inclusion message. Sheila, Ian's Foundation founder and works to make society understand that when talking about inclusion there is no time to waste. This award-winning film was written and produced by Gastón Gorali and Oscar winner Juan José Campanella's Buenos Aires-based animation studio took home the top prize at LA Shorts International Film Festival and several major international awards.

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