
6.0 还行

分类:喜剧 动画  地区:日本  年份:2018 

主演:小野友树 岛袋美由利 铃木绘理 高桥李依 加隈亚衣 小仓唯 原田彩枫 春野杏 小松未可子 日笠阳子 

导演:长泽刚 / 泉明宏 / 上田繁 / 广岛秀树 / 大庭秀昭 / 米田光宏 / 藤本义孝 / 子安秀明 Koyasu Hideaki

子安秀明 Koyasu Hideaki




米诺视频为您提供2018年由小野友树,岛袋美由利,铃木绘理,高桥李依,加隈亚衣,小仓唯,原田彩枫,春野杏,小松未可子,日笠阳子主演,长泽刚,泉明宏,上田繁,广岛秀树,大庭秀昭,米田光宏,藤本义孝导演的《汤摇庄的幽奈同学》/原名《ゆらぎ荘の幽奈さん》/又名《摇曳庄的幽奈小姐》喜剧 动画 影视在线观看完整版,《汤摇庄的幽奈同学》百度云网盘资源以及《汤摇庄的幽奈同学》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《汤摇庄的幽奈同学》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

冬空凩(小野友树 配音)自幼就有着比一般人强烈的灵感力,常常会遭到幽灵的附身,人生因此一直都不是很顺利,甚至因此而背负上了巨额的债务。无奈之下,冬空凩只得到处寻

Plot Summary:Kogarashi Fuyuzora has the ability to see supernatural, and has been possessed by ghosts since he was a kid. This has caused a lot of trouble in his life, but now he has learned to fight back against the evil spirits. Unfortunately, he's now also very poor, homeless, and hoping for a happier, more normal, high school life. In his search for housing, he's introduced to a very cheap boarding house called Yuragi Manor, which was formerly a popular hot springs inn. It's so cheap because the house is haunted by the spirit of a high school student whose corpse was found there. Kogarashi doesn't think this is going to be a problem for him, and the rest of the house's tenants appear to be sexy women. While relaxing in the hot springs, though, he finds there is an issue with his ghost-banishing plan; Yuragi Manor's ghost is a 16-year-old girl named Yuuna, who lives in his room. Kogarashi has no desire to hurt a ghost girl, and instead he ends up agreeing to help her to figure out her ...





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